Lisa is pregnant

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Chris POV
To be honest with you, my mind is not where I'm at. I'm so upset and burning flames. How could Cinthia want to beat up Lisa for nothing. I'm hating her jealous self.

The next thing I felt warm lips colliding with mine, that's when I was brought back to my senses. I just respond to the kiss and it gets heated up. But before we got any further, I realized that what I was doing I wasn't doing it with my wife. Oh shit!
Me:Lisa stop
Lisa:whymm? *she kisses my neck going down, shit! What is this girl doing to me! My manhood is awake now*
Me:Lisa stop please *I jump off*
Lisa :why now? want to go back to that nuisance? I'm trying to give you peace here
Me: no thank you, you're making me cheat
Lisa:agh fine, leave.. I just needed something to ride but I guess I'll just masturbate, it's been very long since I had it
Me: okay bye
Lisa:*rubbing her pussy*ahhhh! so good!
Me:can you please open the door so I can leave you in peace.
Lisa :take the key in my drawer ahhh! fuck
*fuck! I need to get out of this room now!, for now I'll just get to the balcony and close the sliding door... or I might end up doing something wrong*

Cinthia POV
I'm on my way to the kitchen, I smell something burning, they forgot about their baking. as I'm on my way, I hear moans. I don't see Chris anywhere and this bitch's room is locked. No no please, it can't be what I'm thinking. Chris,why are you doing me like this ...with Lisa ,you've changed... babe I don't want to believe this but what is this I'm hearing. Nx! I can't bear this, I go back to my room and open for how water and add in foam, and I stay there  crying. I trusted Chris with my whole self, I just knew that with this bitch, Chris might change and I told him he will change but he was too promising and I trusted him. I dont want to believe this but I heard Lisa moan.

Chris POV
Lisa finished doing her shit and I just went out of her room. Right now I'm on my way to Cinthia, my boy is hard. I'll rather sleep with Cinthia than cheat. I try to push the door but it's locked.
Me:Cinthia! *silent* babe! Open up Cinthia come on! Babe please! I need you
Cinthia:for what
Me: are you crying? Babe please open for me.
Cinthia:go away Chris!
Me:I need you right now! Going away Wil push me to do something that will break you so I need your help
Cinthia:you've already broken me Chris.. just leave!
Me:no I haven't and I don't want to I promise! Please babe! I need you so much!
*she unlocks the door* hey
Cinthia:what do you need me for *wiping tears*
Me:why are you crying?
Cinthia:you thought I wouldn't know?Chris just go
Me:babe whatever is playing in your head is a lie babe I promise. Tell me what is it?
Cinthia:you think you'll make me a fool! You slept with her didn't you
Me:what? No babe I would never! Sit down and let me tell you the whole truth
Cinthia:you want to manipulate me I know
Me:I won't babe sit down please

We sat down and I told her the story. She didn't buy it at first but she believed me
Cinthia:this Lisa has to go. So you're....?
Chris:I need you
Cinthia: you do?
Chris:yes please

We kissed and kissed and undressed and yes we did it. My baby was moaning so loud, I guess she's trying to make Lisa jealous, but on the other side making me so horny. It was so fun. And we showered then went to the kitchen to eat supper. Lisa was absent all day..

Lisa POV
Right now I'm at the sangoma. I heard Cinthia and Chris doing the deed and cinthia's screams were not giving me peace and Chris didn't want me but he slept with her. Nx! How pathetic! I'm here to get something to make Chris to see me as his wife and Cinthia as me since he despises me. I want to get pregnant for him and in that way he'll be mine forever.

i take off my shoes and enter, kneeling down.
sangoma:ubani lowo ozophazamisa amakhosi ezithulele (who's that disturbing the peace of the ancestors?)
Me:Yimina ulisa Wakwa Jackson makhosi(it's me Lisa Jackson)
Sangoma:angaksiza kanjan amakhosi ntombazane(how ma I help you)
Me:makhosi there is this guy I love him so much and he loves me too, but he's married right now so he can't be with me. I need something to make him see me as his wife only
Sangoma:nakhu(here)morning and evening uyamfakel ekdleni,kzoqala uksebenza(you add it in his food,will work)after 3 days.

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