He's her husband

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Cinthia POV

Me:today is the best day of my life baby I appreciate everything you've done for me so far, and I'm sorry for being a jerk
Chris:I guess we were both jerks. I have one more thing for you
Me: really? And what's that?
Chris:here*giving me a shoe box*
Me: babe,you bought me a sneaker*opening it and removes the paper*huh! Money! For me?
Chris:all for you, wanna count it
Me:this is too much...how much is in here!
Chris: really want to know?
Me:how much
Me:are you serious?
Chris:yeah baby
Me:what am I gonna do with all of this
Chris:just go spoil yourself, at least to enjoy a little after so much work and patience carrying my baby
Me:this is so much money
Me:what! Chris do you know what you just did! You gave me a 50000 rand cash!
Chris:I know,now stop and let's go into the house
Me:I know what I want to do with this money
Me:I'll get myself a license
Chris:no you won't. I've already paid for the classes.
Me:are you serious! no Chris you're lying to me!
Chris:why would I buy a car without a license
Me:why are you the best
Chris: because I love you. I wouldn't have been the best if I didn't love you
Me:I love you so much..I'll see what I do with this money
Chris:babe that money is just for you to go spoil yourself, your friends if you like, just live a little babe. Enjoy life
Chris:yeah, get done relaxation,go on short trips
Me:trips I won't do, leave my baby?
Chris:a 1 day trip babe,I promise I'll manage
Me:no you won't
Chris:I'm an experienced father okay? You just do what you wanna do, leave everything to your man's hands. I'll show you miracles baby
Me:I so wish 3 months has passed already. I swear I'd be yours all day. Just let you turn me over as you like
Chris:or we can cheat
Me:oh no I'm not doing that,sorry Mr..can we go check on the baby

They went in the house and found baby Aiden awake and cinthia breastfed her.

New year's eve
Cinthia POV

The past few days Chris and I had a great bond. It just grew in a blink of an eye and became stronger. I've never been happier in my life. Oh before I forget and yes I'm not bragging, Chris suggested that we spend our New Year in Paris. So I'm waiting for him to come fetch me,I'm ready, we're leaving with our Aiden to Paris. I'm so excited,he asked me not to tell anyone yet.
"Hoot!"that's him I go downstairs to the car
Me:hey baby
Chris:mmh you look yummy,pity I can't taste you now
Me:thanks baby,you'll taste me soon enough
Chris:when coz I'm hungry, I've got a lot to release
Me:you wanna release then just masturbate baby,I'm sure you can release by masturbating
Chris:I'm not doing that, that's crazy, get in the car and stop talking
Me:yes Daddy
Chris: don't call me daddy
Me:okay mommy
Chris:babe!stop calling me that
Me:ok sorry

I get in the car and we drive to the airport, got into Chris's private jet and gone to Paris. I really cant wait
Chris:where's Aiden?
Me:she's sleeping.
Chris:where is she?
Me:next to you baby where's your eyes
Chris:ow, she looks like me yazi
Me:do we have to argue,babe?
Chris:about what? Can't you see she's an exact copy of her father aka Jaden aka Slade aka The Man
Me:Slade is not my baby's father
Me:Slade is too cruel babe, you really can't call an opposite of yourself a father,you can't
Chris:okay sorry
Me:you never told me what happened to Raid
Chris:he's in jail
Me:how'd you put him in jail
Chris:cinthia stop with your questions please, I won't get rid of an enemy from my life and then my wife starts talking about him. Please, especially what he did to you,to us
Me:I was just asking baby
Chris:I'm sure you have something else to talk about other than Raid

We fly to Paris and it was a long fight ,I even slept in the jet.

Fast forward>>3 weeks later

Cinthia POV
We came back a week ago and Chris is back to work. This time he's gonna be very busy since he's about to take the CEO position coz he was the head of accountant(finance) so his father gave him a chance to prove he can be CEO since Dad is about to stop working.

My arranged marriage: Cinthia ZuluWhere stories live. Discover now