Hunter handed her a ration which she gladly took. "You fell asleep outside on Felucia, figured you'd be more comfortable in there. More quiet."

Aurora took a bite of the ration bar. "Right... Where's Omega and Wrecker?"

"Getting more mantell mix." Tech chimed in.

"We were waiting for you to wake up before we caught up to them." Echo said.

"I see." Aurora said. "Well let's not keep them waiting."

It wasn't long before the four of them caught up to Wrecker and Omega. The whole group walked through Ord Mantell. Aurora was walking next to Wrecker, he had Omega on his shoulder.

"How's the mantell mix, kid?" He asked.

Omega took a bite. "Mhmm," she dropped a piece into Wrecker's mouth. "Better than ever." 

"Yea it is." Wrecker laughed and Aurora couldn't help but laugh too.

"So when's our next mission?" Omega asked. 

"With two bounty hunters after you, it'd be wise to keep a low profile." Tech said.

"I can check the guild trade and see if there is anything new that arose." Aurora chimed in.

"Tech's right, and that would be great Aurora." Hunter said, he took Omega off Wrecker's shoulder. "There's too much heat on us right now."

"Well not on me." Aurora remarked, earning a look from Hunter.

"Ha! That never stopped us before." Wrecker said. 

"The kid's been through enough. She needs a break." Hunter leaned in and whispered to Wrecker. The two of them looked over to see Echo inspecting some mantell mix, he sniffed it before taking a bite. Aurora giggling.

"She seems fine to me." Wrecker said, Hunter moved past everyone and walked into Cid's Parlor. Everyone walked up to the bar, Aurora jumping over it and pulled out a bottle and two shot glasses. She poured them and handed one to Hunter.

"I got a mission for you boys." Cid walked up to them and Hunter and Aurora downed their shots. "A simple extraction on Raxus."

"Raxus?" Tech questioned.

"Isn't that separatist territory?" Aurora asked. 

"That is the former center of the separatist government." Tech said. "It has since become an imperial outpost-"

"I'm not interested in the history lesson, goggles." Cid said. "You're being hired to locate and free Senator Avi Singh from his confinement. My client will meet you at the given coordinates to brief you." She handed Hunter a little drive. "Details are on this. Now get going."

"Help a separatist?" Hunter questioned. "Not gonna happen." He tossed it back.

"Your debt's still not paid, remember?" Cid reminded him. "A job's a job." Hunter motioned her to have a private conversation and they walked away. Aurora tried to listen in but she could barely hear them but Aurora could see the worried look on Hunter's face. "Yea, yea, bandana." Aurora heard Cid say and waved a hand. "Just get outta here, will you?"

Hunter knelt down in front of Omega. "Ready when you are sergeant."

"Not this time Omega. You're staying with Cid." Hunter said.

"But the-the mission. I'm part of the squad too." Omega said.

"Then following orders shouldn't be a problem." Hunter said. "Stay close to Cid and don't leave this parlor. Got it, soldier?"

Omega groaned. "Yes sir."

Hunter stood up and walked over to the bar. Omega moped off and the boys started for the exit. "So, we're helping a separatist senator? How does that make you feel?" Aurora asked.

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