Pancakes? Now? (Actual fluff)

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Okay so remember how I said George really only wanted like pancakes n shit when he was having Estella?

Yeah, cool, soooooo yeah it's George wanting pancakes at 1:30 and King not having a choice cause he loves him too damn much, hah... I want that.

"Jelly why are you writing so much fluff?"

"Jelly this is a lot of fluff, even for you."

Yeah no shit.

I'm prepping y'all for big ducking washingking angst in the next one shot and the next chapter of Requiem (formerly sfdp) LMFAO I need to make y'all have some form of happiness before I fuck y'all up <33


King felt a hand on his shoulder as he was drifting in and out of consciousness. 

"Princey...?" The quite fuzzy voice near his ear mumbled. King doesn't respond. The hand nudged him. King groaned in response, his long pointed ear perked to attention before turning to George, who was sitting up. 

"Go back to sleep... please, I beg." King cupped his cheek and let it drag back down, his consciousness kind of fading out again. George laid back down next to him, burying his face in King's collar. 

"I can't..." George's voice was deep under his breath. He looked up at his half lidded husband.

"And, my love, pray tell, why, you cannot fall back as sleep at..." he trails off as he grabs his phone from the shelf next to him, turning it on and cringing intensely as he's hit with the full brightness of his phone. 

"George, it's 1 fucking AM. Please on god's good earth tell me why you cannot sleep." He asked in the most gentle manner he could, as he put his phone back on the shelf then goes to cup his cheek and rub it gently with his thumb. George glanced away out of guilt. "Because baby and I want pancakes...? Please...?" He smiled sheepishly. King let out a soft huff and sat up. "How bad do you want them?" He stretched. "I might throw up if I don't eat." King took his hand. "Alright, alright, come on you." George smiled and sat up, leaning on him. "I'm sorry-" he got cut off. "Shh, it's fine, relax. C'mon. Let's go have breakfast... at one in the morning." King smiled

(Time skip)

King watched as George finished, his technical snack. "You okay now?" He asked. George nodded. George tucked his chin into his hand as he smiled. "C'mon, why do you still do that? You do realize we've been together since what- high school?" He chuckles, taking his hand. "My teeth are embarrassing." George mumbled. "Your teeth are fine, your tooth gap is cute and your fangs... well." King pulls his collar to reveal the hickey George most certainly left. "Oh- damn, did I do that?" King nodded. "Marking your territory I assume?" King took the plate and fork George had in his hands. "Um, why do that when we have an entire room for the way you marked YOUR territory?" King broke out into a laugh. "Okay that's what we're doing?" George nodded, "I think that's what we're doing-" King wrapped his arms around him and dug his face into George's neck as he laughed. "We're going back to bed, back to sleep, back to REST." King demanded, dragging George along. "Okay! Okay!" King pulled George into bed. "And we're sleeping." King mumbled, closing his eyes and tucking his face in George's chest. George ruffled his hair gently. "Good night..." he mumbled. King groaned in response.

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