Long days work (fluff)

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Man I love this

Idea requested by —————>

"if Wash is top then I guess I little fireplace n cookies fluff? Or maybe they're like both teachers and they're together without the students knowing and one day the Hamilsquad walks in on them or sth idk my ideas are bad"

Wash is not top sorry to burst your bubble

Essentially wash and king are teachers and they go home tired

King is a math teacher and Wash is a History teacher

Okeyyy les go

The bell rings. George watched as the class flooded in, pretty sure his class favored him the most since he was pretty easy going and it was a safe place for students. Human-non human, gay, trans, everybody really. Been like this since the beginning of the year. He stood. "Last class of the day I know y'all are happy to see me!" He smiled. "Now. Who studied?"  Majority raised their hand. "Who sat on their couch and watched Bluey for hours?" A few raised their hand. George himself included.

"You have kids Mr. Washington?" A student in the back asked. "Who needs kids to watch Bluey?" Another student chimed in. George rolled his eyes. "I have four kids. And one on the way." And the loud clamoring started back up again. "Okay! Okay! Let's get into the lesson now? Thank you?" George sighed.

A good 90% of the students were actually paying attention. The other 10 were not. George turned around after, unfortunately, the principal's son, was tippy tap dancing on his last nerve. "Mr. Adams...junior... there something would you like to share with the class?" He crossed his arms and waited for an answer. "No. No I do not." he responded, with an attitude. "...I'm not a fan of that tone, Charles." "Okay, and? I don't have anything to share." He turned back around. 

"Oh really? You sure you didn't share an STD with one of the cheerleaders in my storage closet?"

The entire class went quiet. "By the way I am aware y'all have sex in there, cut it out. I'm tired of smelling semen on my expo markers." he turned back around and resumed the video. "My father wi-" 

"I don't give a rat's ass about your father, Charles, I went to high school with that man, and your not even a fraction as insufferable as him!Now can we return to the video please! Thank you!" He huffs. 

After the video the class stayed quiet to take notes and do class work. And a knock on the door was heard, which gained their attention. George stood and opened it. It was King Tribus, the math teacher. "Oh, hey." 

The class leaned into the conversation. 

"Princey, what are you doing here? My students are doing work." George chucked. "As are mine, Geo, c'mon, I missed you." George groaned and rolled his eyes. A student raised a hand. "Mr. Washington, what's going on?" George looked back at King. "You wanna tell them, or should I?" King walked into the classroom with his hands on George's waist. "Well." The class all grinned with anticipation. "...King, hun, I think they already know." They all nodded simultaneously. "Y'ALL ARE HAVING AN AFFAIR!" Charles LEE blurred out. King and George were taken off guard. "...Close. But no." King chuckled. "George, c'mon lets just give em what they want." George grumbled. "Fine, fine." George gave him a soft but loving peck on the lips. "Yes. I am married to the math teacher. Have your questions been answered?" George turned to King just as the bell rang. "Shoo, shoo." George went to pack up his things. "Alex, Lafayette I will see you at home." The two froze and cringed back at him. "Love you dad!" Alex smiled and walked off. Lafayette nodded as a 'ditto' then they left. "Pick up Mania's meds- "Yeah yeah-" Lafayette called back out. 

-later, at home.-

Mania and Estella were having a stare off. Two seven year olds behaving like their rivals will end in mutual destruction. or King smearing whipped cream on their noses, then it results in screaming. George smiled. "Okay! Okay! Settle down you THREE." He called out from the couch. Estella and Mania went over and laid down next to him, grumbling. "Why are you two bickering?" Mania frowned. "Because she thinks the best princess is Merida when it's clearly Mulan or Tiana! MULAN WEARS PANTS AND TIANA OWNS A RESTAURANT IN THE FIFTIES!" George snorts. "Merida turned her mama into a bear and practiced archery!" George glanced at King who shrugged. "Both are the best for different reasons, okay? And Loo, lower your voice we're sitting right here. Besides, Alex turned on Moana, so relax." Mania and Estella smiled.

Alex and Laf were currently cuddle wrestling. Laf was asleep with Alex in a headlock and Alex was dozing with Laf's midsection being crushed by his ass.

Chaotic family. George loved it all the same.

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