"What do you mean...'planned'..? Gē...how could you even think of doing something like this..? How could you be this careless...? Do you know what you have done...? You gave a monster someone to terrorise and that is my Zhan ..!!! How could you be so careless...??"(angry)

"I'm sorry boss, we didn't want to tell you yet cause them you would want us to change our route and they would have realised that we know about them."

"What are you talking about...? Who's they..?"

"Zhan and Larry's car had been followed by an unknown and unmarked van from the first day which was Monday. It followed when we took you to work and when we came back as well, Larry traced it and found out that it was that man and he had sent his man in disguise of that beat down van to trace Zhan's movement. We planned for this since Monday and we also talked about what to do when this day comes. I have a team that I had been working on bringing from Korea from last year for my retirement –"

"You're retiring...? What kind of boss  am I who's bodyguards keeps things from...? I know I'm younger than all of you and I know I might not respect you guys the way I should especially when I'm upset but why am I always the last to know about things...why...??"(hurt)

"You're the kind of boss who is like our younger brother and we would protect with our lives. I'm sorry I didn't tell you about my plan to retire, I wanted to find capable people first who would be able to protect always when I'm not here. But when I found them...I couldn't see myself leaving you, I was planning to go back to Korea and help my brother run our parents's company but at the very last minute I found out that it was hard leaving you. I didn't tell you because I had already changed my mind about it, I can't leave you...I just won't ...I want to be here to see you archive every goal possible you want in your life and I will continue to be here even when you grow old with Zhan...I'm not leaving you. Now boss...please...focus...!!"

Barry was on point with his words that finally made Yibo shed tears looking at Barry with no words registering what to say in his busy and distracted brain. Even though he was distracted...he heard every word Barry said and before he could react...Barry tapped his arms and pointed to their car. He opened the door for Yibo to get in and he got in aswell. He knew Yibo was too exposed to be outside like that, not only would the kidnappers watching but his fans too. He had to be out of sight and he was as Barry got in the car and started the engine. His drive to work and Yibo couldn't understand it, Barry told Yibo to change his clothes so that if his fans had snapped some photos of him on the highway...they could disclaim them by date or just mistaken identity.

He always had spare clothes in the car for any occasion, courtesy from Barry...the man of many talents. Well... Yibo did change but he did t want to go to work of which Barry had to convince him that he had to in morder to throw off the tail of those that had been tailing Zhan for the past two days. He wasn't sore if Yibo was also tailed but he didn't want to make any suspicions possible for the kidnappers. If they knew that Yibo and Zhan got in touch more than they should've been...which was for work purposes...they would leak the information to make Yibo back of from them. Barry simply couldn't take any chances, Yibo had to go to work and along the way...he told him their plan for the past year and for Zhan's kidnapping. It wasn't much...he just told him that the less he knew the better and just told him they would deal with it

"Boss...I have put together a team with the help of Larry a year ago for my retirement as I said...it consists of six highly trained men and women. It's a total of four men and two women who were ex military forces, ex CIA like Baba, ex special forces ...two of them are still on active duty in the special armed forces...we have been training privately for future missions which we didn't know about and the three active special armed forces trace information for us using their private work database...that is how we're going to find Larry and Zhan. I know you get worried when Larry is taken because he knows more about finding someone's location in less than a minute and that is why we decided to find those that can help.

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