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Not even the time to approach me that an African-American girl rushes in front of me "Are you Tyler's sister? Nice to meet you, I'm Victoria, but you can call me Vic" she waited for me to tell her my name, but she realized I was busy doing something else. She turned to that boy and rolled her eyes "His name is Marcus and he's an asshole, I don't recommend him"

My attention turned to her, what a pity. I'd only seen the back of his neck but he looked really sexy, which I confirmed as he turned around. he had blue eyes to get lost in and brown hair I wished I had in my hands over and over again. Six pack abs, very evident through the white T-shirt he was wearing. Tyler walked up to him and greeted him like boys do, then he nodded his chin at me and Marcus turned to look at me. He greeted me. GOD I WAS GOING CRAZY. I blushed and Vic laughed, that's when I realized she was still there. "Sorry for ignoring you earlier, I'm Mia" I gave her my hand, smiling at her. "My pleasure. Oh, they're going to make teams, come"

"I hope to end up with you, I don't know anyone here but my brother, and I definitely don't want to be with him" she held back a laugh until Tyler spoke: I ended up teaming up with Vic and a friend of Tyler's, while the other team consisted from Tyler, Marcus and another guy I didn't know. We put on our suits and helmets and took out our guns. I was about to enter the arena when a delicious smell of mint overwhelmed me and I turned abruptly. Someone had just passed by, wearing a helmet and black braids hanging from it. I was spellbound, but Vic grabbed me by the arm and pulled me into the arena. When I turned around he was already gone.

We started playing, I had always wanted to try Paintball. My parents never took me there for fear they might shoot me in the face, but that was the beauty of it. Vic was really good, she hid in a distant point of the arena and started shooting like there was no tomorrow, finally hitting the guy who was teaming up with Tyler and Marcus. "Yes!" she yelled. Bad move, because soon after Tyler saw her and shot her in the stomach. "Fuck you!" She yelled at him. I gave her a thumbs up from my position. Ten minutes passed and only me, Tyler and Marcus were left. I was really scared of getting shot, I had never even played and had been hiding all the time. I quickly ran to where Vic was when she shot that guy, aimed and hit Tyler right in the knee. I burst out laughing, I've wanted to do it since the game started. Now only Marcus remained. I was a bit sad to eliminate him, because I liked him a bit, but I would have done anything to beat my brother in something. Anything. I aimed for the shoulder, and hit him. "Yes! We won!" I yelled. Marcus raised his hands in surrender. A smell of mint overwhelmed me and I instinctively turned in the direction it was coming from, accidentally hitting Marcus on the head. Honestly, I didn't notice it until we walked out of the arena.

"You did great," Vic told me. I smiled at her. I could finally hold it against Tyler for the rest of my life. "Little girl, are you crazy?" I heard a voice coming from the arena. It was Marcus, who quickly took off his helmet and approached me with the others. "I was about to take off my helmet in there, you could have hurt me"
"Oh God sorry, I got distracted and I didn't realize it"
"Then you also cheated" at this statement I turned to him raising my eyebrows -even if the didn't show because of the helmet- and crossing my arms, things I did every time they told me things that weren't true. "And how did I cheat?"
"You haven't played at all, then come out of hiding and shoot anyone who gets in front of you? It's not worth it" I was about to punch him so hard that he would have slammed into the wall, my punch was ready. "But I'll pass it this time, since you're only a child" smoke was coming from my ears. "Stop teasing me," I told him. I was about to really hurt him. He walked up to me, and looked me straight in the eyes. "Otherwise what are you doing?"

Suddenly that very strong smell of mint tickled my nostrils again, and that accent drove me crazy. "Yo guys, what's going on here?" I could no longer see Marcus, only saw his braids coming down from the helmet. Maybe it was a good thing I didn't see Marcus, at least I wouldn't hurt him. "You don't meddle," Marcus said. I hated his guts already, but it was obvious. He was my brother's friend. "Look, it's just a game. Why don't you leave her alone and come get yourself a beer?" he put a hand on his shoulder, and with a quick movement Marcus removed it. "Do not touch me. Tyler, I'm going home. See you, kid." He packed his things and left. Everyone walked away, including the mystery boy. "Wait," I said following him. "Who are you?"
"Tom, nice to meet you" At the pronunciation of those three letters, I just wanted to see his face. "Do you come here often?" I asked him. I was hoping not to sound intrusive. "No. I'm on tour now and, since we wanted to take a break, we stopped here a few more days" he was in a band. This attracted me even more. "Okay hum, it was a pleasure..." He stopped. "Mia"
"Mia... Nice name. See you around"I turned and walked to my locker. Taking off the helmet, I felt all eyes on me...


Just Kiss Me - Tom and Bill KaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now