"Hey there, sweetheart," he said in his familiar raspy tone.

Blake was about to greet him, then walk to the kitchen when he noticed something he couldn't ignore. Instead of walking past the man, he moved until he stood between his legs, then lifted a hand up to his hair.

"So messy," he whispered as he worked on fixing that unruly hair as best he could.

He felt Sage's arms gently wrap around the back of his legs a moment later, settling just beneath his backside, but it honestly didn't bother him.

"Thank you, love. My hair gets a little messy when I dream about you two," he said, making Blake roll his eyes... even though he was grinning, too.

Sage had taken a nap after working an all-nighter, but he hadn't bothered to change out of his clothing or even eat dinner. The second he'd turned off his laptop he'd gotten up and walked straight to his bed.

"Nice try, but your hair was already messy before you went to bed," Blake said before glancing to the side for a moment, then reaching up with his other hand to make an absolute mess of the man's just-fixed hair.

He was actually having quite a bit of fun tormenting Sage, but his hands slowly came to a stop when he noticed the man's gorgeous eyes staring straight up at him as if he were contemplating having him for lunch instead of whatever Wyatt had cooked.

"It's definitely a thought. You look good enough to eat... and I think I might just want seconds, and thirds," Sage rasped, making Blake's face turn red as he quickly tucked his hands behind his back.

His reaction got a quiet chuckle from Sage as those beautiful eyes continued to stare at him.

"I-I thought you could only see through my eyes," he mumbled as he looked away, unable to handle the man's stare, even though it was now clear he couldn't see him.

"You're correct, but I remember what you looked like when you showed me in the mirror, and I haven't forgotten a single detail since then," Sage said as he gently squeezed Blake's backside, then released him completely.

"We better go eat. You know how our man gets when he's alone at the table," he said as he slowly stood up, giving Blake plenty of time to step back.

Except, he didn't want to, so as Sage stood, their body's brushed against each other in several places, making Sage's head tilt curiously as he finally straightened to his full height.

"Babe, I want you to try something after we eat, okay?" he asked as he gently took Blake's hand in his own, then leaned forward for a brief kiss.

When that kiss ended, Blake licked his lips and allowed himself to be lead out of the room. His only response to the other man's question was a squeeze of his hand.

Dinner was already set up in the main living room on top of the little dining table they'd bought recently. Three chairs were pulled out around it, and since it looked like almost everything was already there, he decided to just help Sage to his seat, then take his own.

Once they were settled Wyatt appeared carrying their three drinks. A knowing grin was on his face, but he didn't question them at all. Instead, he set the drinks down, leaned over for a kiss, then pressed one to Sage's hair before sitting down, himself.

"I hope you guys like hotdogs and mashed potatoes, because we need to go grocery shopping," he said, making Blake grin as he loaded up his plate with food.

"Love it," Blake said as he added some chili to the top of his two hotdogs, then happily began digging in.

Sage was a little slower, but he ate nearly twice as much, making Blake honestly a bit jealous.

Wild Dog (mxm) (Rever series 4)Where stories live. Discover now