Wild Dog 4

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His other half desperately wanted to pin the adorable man sitting across from him on his back, on the table between them... but he knew that he couldn't do such a thing without permission. He also never started a relationship in front of others. A lot of people in the BDSM community loved to put their submissives on display, but he wasn't one of them. At least, not when first getting to know someone. 

Getting to know someone? He's got a plane ticket out of here for tomorrow. 

His other half ran around in his mind as if it were running a race against itself, and losing. It was surprisingly, somehow, more dominant than even himself. Which was why it stayed inside, always. 


Blinking out of his thoughts, he looked across the table at Blake. The man had a curious expression on his face, and that slightly nervous smile? He couldn't fathom how someone could look into those beautiful, gentle eyes and not realize that they had hurt him. Over and over again. 

Or they just didn't care to see it. 

"Wyatt, your food is going to get cold," Blake said, snapping him out of another round of thoughts he was about to lose himself in. 

I'm being so rude right now. 

"I apologize, I don't normally lose myself in thought," he said, completely embarrassed as he began working on his large breakfast of egg whites, potatoes, and bacon. 

He heard Blake give a little chuckle before replying and drawing his eyes back up to him. 

"It's totally fine." 

It really wasn't. At least, he thought so, but he wasn't going to argue. If Blake wasn't upset with him for accidentally ignoring him, then he wouldn't bring it up again. He decided to just make sure that he focused for the remainder of their meal, which was actually pretty easy, especially when Blake finished his food in a flash, then began cutting up the huge stack of blueberry and chocolate chip pancakes Ravi always insisted on having when they went to their favorite breakfast place. 

"Ah?" Blake said as he lifted a big forkful of food toward Ravi's wiggling dog. Thankfully, while Ravi loved to be fed, he wasn't a fan of syrup on his pancakes and preferred them with only a little bit of butter melted into the top of the warm dough, so there wouldn't be a sticky mess to clean up. 

 It didn't take but a second for Ravi to lunge at the fork with a playful growl, then down the pieces of pancake that had been offered. 

"Ravi, behave," Wyatt said as he pointed his fork at the overly-excited pup. 

That was his one and only downside. He struggled to control his energy and often overreacted to simple situations, startling, and sometimes even accidentally, hurting others. 

That was the main reason why Ravi had allowed himself to be claimed by one of the strictest doms in town. He hadn't liked the idea, but the pup hadn't been under his care at the time, so he'd had no say in his decision. The only thing he did tell him when he saw him beginning to show worrisome changes in his personality was that if he ever needed help, he could come to him. 

And he had. Two days ago. 

He would never forget the way he'd had to cut off the constricting prong collar from his neck or the injuries he'd seen when Ravi was finally able to shift again for the first time in months. He'd been abused and treated like a dog that was worth less than nothing. 

I never thought I'd see him so happy again. 

He really hadn't wanted to even reprimand him for his current over-excitement, but while his canine form was adorable and sweet, it also had very sharp teeth that were meant for causing damage. Hyper was fine, but it did have to be kept within reason, for others' safety. 

Wild Dog (mxm) (Rever series 4)Where stories live. Discover now