Wild Dog 12

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Trever slowly blinked open his tired eyes as his cell phone chimed from within his coat pocket. He managed to retrieve it fast enough to keep it from going to voicemail, but immediately regretted it as he heard one of his previous client's voices begin to speak on the other end. 

"Trever! I'm so glad that you picked up. I have a huge project that I need to get through and our previous two new hires just up and left! Could you come out and give us a hand again?" 

Give you a hand, huh? 

He really hadn't intended to work for Mark again. Especially since he'd tried to pay him lower than their agreed-upon price the last time he'd flown out there for a job, but... 

I could use a short trip right now. 

Walking into that mess that his brother had created had definitely not been expected, and after actually meeting with Ravi, he just couldn't stop stressing about how much of an asshole his brother must have been for all those years. It honestly made him angry. Which was definitely not an emotion he felt very often. He was a guy that made sure that he, himself, and no one else, was in charge of his life. Every single thing he did, every job he accepted and contract he signed, were all on his terms.  

He was generally hired when there were issues with employees and a company couldn't get to the bottom of the problem without causing irreparable damage to their projects or foundation. With Mark's company, keeping his employees was the biggest issue he has. He knew what the real problem was, but what boss wanted to be told that they absolutely sucked at running their company? Exactly, so while he definitely wouldn't be able to fix it in the long run, again, it would be a nice paycheck to at least get things back on track so that things could be toppled again by the tyrant boss a few months later. 

You know what? Why the hell not. 

"Same price as last time. I'll stay out there for a month for twenty-thousand," he said, not bothering to play nice. He knew what he was worth. 

He was honestly surprised when Mark quickly agreed to the price, then said that he'd send him over the details for the job they were currently working on, as well as a plane ticket for later that evening. 

A little faster than I'd planned, but I can do it. 

Looking down as he felt a faint tug on his coat lapel, Trever raised an eyebrow at the same time Ravi glanced up at him... but refused to release the fabric from between his grinning teeth. 

"Excuse me, good sir, but I have a plane to catch," he said as he reached up with his free hand and poked the little pup's cheek. 

It gave out a stubborn grunt, but still refused to let go. He was just about to try and pry his jaws open, because he really did need to get home and pack, as well as drop off what little food he'd bought since the time he'd come back from his previous job, at his cousin's home so that it didn't go to waste. He then had to get his suitcase packed again and get to the airport. 

"I really do need to go, bud. How about this? I promise that I'll bring you something cool back from my trip?" he said, hoping that the bribe might work. 

Of course, he had no idea what the little wild dog even liked, but he figured that some sort of meat would definitely not go to waste. More of those jerky sticks, perhaps? Just the thought of giving the pup a full box of them made his lips tilt up slightly as he moved his hand to pat Ravi's head gently. 

"How about a big box of those jerky sticks like the one I gave you last time?" he said, curious as to what reaction he would get in response. 

Well, the pup definitely didn't disappoint. He quickly stood up with his paws on Trever's right leg, wiggling so much that he thought he might just fall over. Not wanting that to happen, Trever reached out and carefully made sure that Ravi remained upright. 

Wild Dog (mxm) (Rever series 4)Where stories live. Discover now