Chapter 26

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A/N: Ohhh myyyy goddd only 4 chapters left! I have grown so attached to Theo and Liam in this world I don't want it to end but all good things must come to an end unfortunately :(

A/N: swearing & a lil smut

Liam could hardly focus today, after his talk with Mason it kept replaying on his mind. The events from that night, their moments spent together leading up to it. Everything happening was almost eye opening? Liam wasn't entirely sure.

Fortunately the one thing going great was that he got a car. After driving Theo to the hospital he not only proved to himself driving wasn't as scary as he had thought but he enjoyed it. He had found it somewhat peaceful despite the situation that had him driving.

He ended up buying an old Chevrolet Corvette, he loved it. He never thought of himself as car guy but now he understood why Theo had such a boner for his truck. Liam was in love with his car, the black paint glistened in the sun and the leather seats melted into him when he drove.

Only problem was because it was old it needed a lot of work, fortunately Liam knew a mechanics down the road he would be able to take it into see, so that was the plan for today. Two weeks had passed since Liam had spoken to Mason about Theo.

Things were seemingly looking up for Mason though? A new guy started college a week ago and Mason was tutoring him. His name was Nolan and the pair had been rather close since, Liam wasn't sure how Mason felt about him but he saw the way he would look at Nolan.

Nolan seemed to be returning the same love sick eyes that reminded Liam of Theo's. The amount of times they had met eachothers gaze, the times their fingers would intertwine and all of the other things they did that made Liam sick to his stomach.

He should have known better, he should have known he would of caught feelings. Liam wasn't insensitive, he knew that. But he really thought Theo would be like Brett, although they were as bad as eachother in some ways.

Liam couldn't help but think about how soft Theo had been for him, how kind he could be when it was just the two of them. The memories they made in those three months were almost taunting him. Dancing around in his mind like a broken record...

None the less Liam shook his head, he needed to go to the mechanics. Exiting his home he made sure to lock the door behind him before going outside. Seeing his beautiful black car sitting where Theo's truck was usually parked he smiled.

He loved this car...

Unlocking the door he still felt anxious stepping inside of it, driving it the first time alone had terrified him but he did it. He knew he could do this. After a few minutes of mentally preparing himself he put the key into the ignition and the car engine roared to life.

The engine basically purring in his ear as it rumbled. Slowly he pulled out of the parallel parking spot and moved out onto the road. Looking both ways before beginning to drive, the car was smooth. Liam barley felt any jolts or bumps driving this baby.

Pulling up to the mechanics he caught sight of the shed gate open. All Liam could see was a car and half a body sticking out from under it. The white singlet stuck to the man's figure, it was covered in oil? Liam wasn't entirely sure.

His dark blue jeans also stained and slightly torn we're hugging his thighs. Liam couldn't help but look, that was when he decided to stop being a creep and get out of his car. The keys in his hand he got out and locked the door.

"Hello?" Liam asked standing above the guy, the wind blowing aggressively made Liam grateful he was wearing a sweater. The guy rolled out from beneath the car and Liam couldn't help the gasp and facial expression he showed when Theo's face came up.

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