Chapter 13

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A/N: Glad y'all are loving thiams sweeter moments, definitely more to come! Like I've mentioned this is much more of a MATURE book compared to my other ones! So please read with caution and understand some chapters will be dirtier/spicer then others and if that isn't your thing please don't read this book cause it's a big part of it! <3

A/N: violence, smut, handjob?, choking & teasing

Liam groaned "do we have to?" He asked batting his blue eyes to Theo. "Oh come on don't look at me like that" Theo complained knowing he couldn't say no to those dam puppy eyes.

"I don't wanna go" Liam poured wrapping his arms around Theo's waist. Theo smiled, although he would love to go he knew partying wasn't exactly Liam's favourite thing in the world. "How about a compromise?" Liam asked looking up at Theo.

Theo raised a brow "hm?" He asked intrigued by Liam's question. Liam smiled sitting up "how about instead of getting drunk at Stiles's house and risk getting into another fight, we get drunk together? At a park or something?" Liam proposed.

Theo smiled, ruffling his hands in Liam's soft brown hair "I'd love that" he said. "I'll tell Stiles" he added. Liam's smile widened "I'm glad, it will be nice to get drunk with just the two of us for once" Liam replied.

Theo nodded "yeah it will" he found himself saying, his hand resting on Liam's back drawing little circles on it as he did. "That feels nice" Liam smiled melting into Theo's touch, his hand cupping Theo's face as he leaned in. Their lips inches apart before Theo's phone rang.

"Fucking Stiles" Theo growled answering the call, "no I'm not coming....Stiles I've come to every party I'm gonna take a pass on this one" Theo said on the phone. Liam watched amused, "he'll be with me" Liam said in a cocky tone before hanging up.

"You're naughty" Theo laughed, "oh you have no idea" Liam smirked getting on top of Theo. Theo was sitting back, his legs open with Liam now on his lip. Liam made himself comfortable with his legs on either side of Theo while hovering over him.

Theo groaned, "you make such pretty noises" Liam whispered, leaning down and planting kisses on Theo's neck. Theo pulled back "you're gonna blue balls me again aren't you?" He laughed.

Liam nodded "probably" he teasing before grabbing Theo's jaw and kissing him. "Fuck" Theo groaned as he pulled back. "You love it" Liam said with a wink, rolling his hips along Theo's waist as he did. Liam leant down to suck Theo's neck.

"Marking me hey?" Theo asked amused, "I just want everyone to know you're mine" Liam said smirking. "Yours? Thought you-" Liam cut him off with a kiss. "You're mine Theo, I want every little slut to know that" Liam whispered.

Theo rolled his neck back, feeling himself get hard at Liam's possessive words. Fuck this guys gonna ruin me... "you look good like this" Liam teased. His finger running down Theo's chest, "horny and desperate, it suits you" Liam mused.

"You're such a fucking tease" Theo growled only making Liam giggle, before Liam could reply Theo had flipped them. Liam was now laying back against the couch while Theo hovered over him. "Oh so he does have a dominate side?" Liam asked.

Liam's eyes were now glistening with lust, "I can be" Theo smirked planting kisses down Liam's neck. At the unexpectedness Liam rolled back, a small moan erupting from him. "Oh you sound so fucking hot" Theo said.

"Only for you" Liam winked, all that did was further encourage Theo. Liam gasped upon feeling Theo's rough hands close around his throat. New kink for Liam unlocked..."fuck" Liam let out. Theo removed his hand only to place it on Liam's jaw.

"You're so fucking hot" Theo said, Liam rolled his hips "I know" he smirked. Theo snickered before rolling his eyes. Pushing himself back he sat besides Liam. "That was fun" Liam laughed, nuzzling his head into Theo's chest.

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