Chapter 15

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A/N: Awe we are officially half way through this book :( But I have three other thiam books in my drafts ready to publish once this book is over ;) That's not including my one shot books or the re writes book!

A/N: Side note, as for the slower updates I apologise. I am currently dealing with a lot of wrist and hand pain from an overuse and nerve injury. It's constantly in pain which makes it very difficult for me to edit and write at the moment. I hope you guys understand <3

A/N: teasing, swearing & light smut

Liam stared the painting in front of him, every few minutes he could hear his phone buzzing despite it being on silent. Giving in he finally checked it only to see a spam of messages from Theo. 'I miss you' 'I want attention' 'love?' 'answeerrrr meeeee' 'don't make me cum over' 'see what I did there?'. Liam laughed and shook his head.

'assignments' Liam texted back, of course it took Theo less than a minute to respond. 'don't care, I miss talking to you' Liam shook his head softly, 'it's important to me' Liam put his phone back down and turned back to his painting. It definitely wasn't his favourite one. Liam always hated being given what to draw or paint.

He'd always preferred letting the painting flow and become something beautiful. He didn't like having to paint a certain subject or object. Looking at his paintbrush he gripped it, dipping it into the paint and making sure it was the correct consistency before dabbing it onto the canvas.

Almost twenty minutes flew by and there was a knock at Liam's door, frowning he placed his paintbrush down and opened his bedroom door. Another knock erupted him from his confusion. Looking through the peak hole he saw Theo "oh my god" Liam said softly before unlocking his door.

"You locked it" Theo stated entering Liam's apartment, "you told me to? why are you here right now?" Liam asked with a frown. Theo smirked, "I told you I missed you" he said wrapping his arms around Liam's waist. "and I told you I have assignments due Theo, I don't need any distractions" Liam responded.

Theo acted offended this words, scoffing and shaking his head. "Distractions? me? never" Theo said playfully before entering Liam's bedroom despite the younger mans protests. "I like it" Theo said staring at the painting. "I don't" Liam replied looking at it with a frown, "It's not my style of art at all, I hate it" Liam groaned.

"I think it challenges you" Theo says, Liam nodded finding himself agreeing with Theo, it was challenging him. That didn't mean he liked it though. "Wait, why are you here?" Liam asked furrowing his brows together. Theo smirked running his hands over Liam's chest from behind. "I missed you" Theo purred.

"I need to focus" Liam whined pushing Theo's hand away from him. "Then focus" Theo whispered, nipping Liam's ear with his teeth as he did. "Theo" Liam said softly looking up at him with those god dammed puppy eyes. Theo swore his world faded in around him upon looking into those eyes.

"You can do it" Theo muttered under his breath, his fingers tracing along Liam's jawline as he did. The younger boy let out a soft whimper at his cold fingertips. It sent shivers down Liam's spine as Theo nipped at the sweet spot on his neck.

"Fuck" Liam let out, turning around, pulling Theo in for a needy kiss, Theo was happy to comply. Allowing Liam to drag him in, their lips meeting and their tongues intertwining. Theo's hand found it's way down to Liam's waist, it snaked around.

Liam shivered at the cold hands but still found himself melting into Theo's touch. "You want me" Theo whispered. Liam let out a soft laugh, "You want me" Liam corrected making Theo roll his eyes. "Oh, come on" Theo smirked pulling back and standing beside Liam, "You know you're obsessed with me" he teased.

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