Chapter 18

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A/N: another chapter! Let's gooooooo! I can't believe were over half way through this book, I have absolutely loved writing it... I'll be very sad to finish it :(

A/N: SMUT! PURE DIRTY SMUT! If you wish to skip it, you'll know when its coming so stop reading there !

"I swear to god you guys find any excuse to throw a party" Liam sighed rolling his eyes looking between Stiles and Theo. "Come on it'll be fun" Stiles complained, "fun? Like the last party?" Liam asked raising a brow, Stiles abruptly shut his mouth.

"Come on baby" Theo said with pleading eyes, "don't baby me because you want to get your own way" Liam snickered snatching his hand from Theo's who whined in the process. "Oh, come on" Theo said standing up.

His hands found their way to Liam's waist as he hovered over him, "for me?" Theo asked. Liam smirked "Cute, but no" he said moving Theo's hand off him. "I have one assignment left Theo I need to focus; I shouldn't be partying" Liam stated.

"One party" Theo said, "just one more?" his eyes begging with Liam's. Liam would be lying if he didn't admit Theo was adorable when he begged, "Fine" Liam said rolling his eyes, "but, only because I like seeing you beg" he teased. Stiles laughed "you two are gross".

"Jealous much?" Theo snickered, "not in the slightest" Stiles replied giving Liam an amused look. "I'll see you losers there" Stiles says smacking Theo's arm and giving Liam a wave before leaving Liam's house, which had somehow become Theo's most lived in accommodation.

He hadn't officially moved in, but he may as well start paying rent. Theo found himself at Liam's more than his own apartment. "What's even the occasion this time?" Liam asked looking away from his sketch book to face Theo with questioning eyes.

"One of our players is leaving the team, he got accepted to play in the big leagues" Theo smiled "we'll be sad to let him go but he's a really good player. They're lucky to have him" Theo explained. "We're you close with him?" Liam asked. "Greenburg? Not really. He's just a good player" Theo shrugged.

Liam nodded, "okay so were getting drunk for some guy I've never met and you aren't even close to?" Liam questioned amused. "Oh, wait no" Theo paused "yeah we go way back, best friends" Theo laughed making Liam snicker "you're an idiot" he says pulling Theo down for a kiss.

"You love me though" Theo replied without even thinking, pulling back he froze. "Love you hey?" Liam asked with an equally frozen look on his face, which quickly turned to amusement upon seeing Theo stumble on his words. "Not love, uh not like that, I mean it like.. fuck" Theo frowned.

Liam smiled "it's okay, I know what you meant" Liam teased poking him. "okay good" Theo said turning to sit on Liam's bed. "The party isn't for another few hours" Theo said in a suggestive tone. "Okay?" Liam asked turning back to his sketch book.

"I miss your touch" Theo said in a whinny tone making Liam laugh, "then have a nap, I seriously need to study and I don't need any distractions" Liam said in a firm tone. Theo groaned "fine, wake me up at ten?" Theo asked. When Liam nodded Theo rolled over.

Pulling the blankets over himself his nose scrunched as he turned to face the wall. Finding himself in a cosy blanket burrito Theo closed his eyes. Allowing sleep to take over and let his body relax, Liam turned to see Theo cuddled up, he looked so cute when he slept, not that he would ever tell Theo that.

A few hours had passed and Liam was finally a third way through his assignment, the stupid project required Liam to sketch himself. A self portrait. One of the things he hated sketching most. He wasn't really into drawing faces or realistic art. He much preferred abstract art and the darker things.

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