Chapter 7

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A/N: Since beta with anger issues is basically over, this book has officially become my comfort lol! Considering the heart break that book caused I hope you enjoy reading this chapter haha!

"Come on" Theo groaned grabbing Liams hand only for the boy to pull away "no" Liam retorted. Theo leaned his head back "come on, please?" He said giving Liam a begging look, "that doesn't work on me" Liam smirked.

"Ah you're no fun" Theo said rolling his eyes "on the contrary I'm very fun, we just have different ideas of fun" Liam said crossing his arms and taking a step back from Theo. "And what exactly is your idea of fun Liam? Being sheltered from the world hiding in your apartment painting?"

Liam scoffed "so what if it is? I'm not sheltered I just don't care for social events they're boring and not worth my time" Liam said raising a brow at Theo. "It's one party" Theo replied, "yes and I already have gone to a party for you, remember?"

"Yes and you went with your friend, not me..remember?" Theo retorted. "Where's this party even at?" Liam asked, "Stiles is hosting it" Theo replied, his green eyes meeting Liams blue ones. Feeling himself once again lost in the blue orbs.

Liam looked down feeling the tension through their eye contact, "so you want me to not only go to a party at some guys house who I barley know? But a pool party?" Liam asked as if in disbelief theo would ask him that.

Theo laughed "yes, but you'll be with me. I won't ditch you" Theo said flashing Liam a grin, "are you so desperate for me to show you up again?" Liam smirked reminding Theo that he beat him at keg standing.

"I still don't know how the fuck you did that" Theo said rolling his eyes, "talent" Liam smiled. "Great so I'll see you tonight, bring swimmers" Theo said walking towards his class, "wait! No" Liam complained annoyed when Theo continued walking.

God he's an ass... "Liam!" A voice said making Liam jump "Jesus Mason! what the fuck" he said letting his heart rate calm down. "You are not going to believe this! Look" Mason exclaimed showing Liam his phone.

'Winner of the art competition and thousand dollar voucher is Beacon Hills College Campuses Own Liam Dunbar' Liams eyes beamed as he read it, his mouth gaped open as he turned to Mason "oh my god" he said slowly.

"You did it!" Mason yelled squeezing Liam tightly, Liam was still in shock of what he read "I did it!" He yelled, Masons energy radiating onto him. "I can't believe I won" Liam stated rubbing his eyes feeling like this was a dream.

Mason laughed patting Liam on the back "I told you not to worry, you're amazing Li" he smiled. "Thanks Mase" Liam said, the bell ringing "I have to tell you something after class, meet me at the tree?" Liam asked. Smiling when Mason nodded.

Scurrying down the hall Liam entered his class immediately embraced by his art teacher of several years, Ms Finch. "Oh Liam! I knew you'd win" she beamed pulling back. "Thanks Ms Finch" Liam smiled followed by an awkward laugh.

"We're going to host a big party to celebrate at the end of the semester! It will be in your honour so you will be expected to show up" she teased knowing her student wasn't the most extroverted. Liam blushed "thanks but that really isn't necessary..."

"Oh but it is! You are the best student in my class" she said without any shame or remorse for the other students seated in her classroom. Liam looked down embarrassed. Taking his seat he watched as Ms Finch grabbed her marker for the board.

"You will attend Liam" she said smiling before starting into the days lesson. The class flew by quicker then Liam would have liked, half way through this abstract painting he wished he could stay back and finish it.

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