Chapter 16

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A/N: Ahh I love this book it brings me so much joy to write I'm even happier you guys love it <3

A/N: smut smut smut nasty smut - I don't wanna spoil specifically what happens but it's smut not just teasing, IT'S SMUT. so don't read if you don't like it!

Liam opened his front door unsurprisingly Mason was standing on the other side, a big dopey grin on his face. "What did you do?" Liam asked moving aside so Mason could come in.

Mason laughed "I think you mean, who" he said raising his brows and flashing a cheeky grin. Liam face palmed "you didn't" Liam said shaking his head. "I did" Mason laughed entering Liam's bedroom and making himself at home.

Like he always did.

Mason was one of the very few people Liam actually let in his room let alone in his personal space, having been friends for more then half his life Mason was practically his brother. His strange, very gay brother.

Mason placed his palms on his knees tapping them like a drum set, bouncing his leg excitedly. "We fucked!" Mason boasted making Liam laugh at his enthusiasm. "Congratulations" Liam said in a sarcastic tone.

"No like we fucked" Mason said with wide eyes making Liam confused, "I know what fucking is Mase" he laughed. Mason tapped Liam's thigh "no man like this was different it was insane" Mason bragged.

"It's sex Mason" Liam laughed sitting on his chair since Mason had planted himself at the bottom of Liam's bed. "It was more then just sex" Mason rolled his eyes "the shit that dude can do, with his tongue!? Oh god Liam you have no idea!" Mason said.

"I don't want to know what Corey can do with his tongue" Liam replied pulling a disgusted face, his lips pursed and his eyebrows furrowing together. "Oh trust me you do" Mason snickered "let me paint you the scene my dear friend" Mason added standing up.

Liam knew what was about to come, Mason's rooting rating. Shaking his head he braced himself. Every single time Mason slept with someone, which wasn't that often. He would give Liam an exaggerated breakdown of the sex, the person and the disgusting details.

Then Mason would often follow up by asking if Liam thought the guy was a keeper or not. Because god forbid Mason pick his own man, he always wanted Liam to get along with them. Lucky for Mason, Corey and Liam got along reasonably well.

"Okay so!" Mason said catching Liam's attention, "picture this right! I got to his house and immediately he pinned me against the wall, the fucking wall Liam!" Mason yelled.

Liam laughed "okay? What else?" He asked although he knew he'd probably regret that. Mason gave a wicked grin "he got on his fucking knees" he said with wide eyes "I'll spare you the details but you can guess what he did" Mason winked.

Liam felt his cheeks grow hot at the thought of pinning Theo to the wall and having his way with him right then and there. Instead he nodded, "then what?" He asked. Mason raised his brows "after I, we'll you know. Finished" Mason laughed "he dragged me to his room and we got freaky"

"Define freaky?" Liam asked with a laugh, "oh trust me if I wasn't already going to hell, the things we did are definitely sending me there" Mason snickered "handcuffs" Mason said. "That's basic at best" Liam teased "yes well not everyone is a little freak like you my friend" Mason laughed.

Liam rolled his eyes, the thought of cuffing Theo and pinning him on the bed crawled into his mind. Trying to shut his eyes to make those thoughts disappear, Mason continued. "Look" Mason said moving the collar of his shirt to reveal several dark spots down his neck "are those-?" Liam asked.

Mason smirked "he gave me hickey's all the way down my body Liam" he said lifting his shift a little to show the hickey's were in fact down Mason's side. Liam laughed, imaging marking Theo with his love bites, everyone would know Theo was his.

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