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~Hello my lovely readers ~
~Thanks for showing so much love ~
~to my last story Scars~
Scars. A five-letter word with an infinite amount of emotions and experiences behind it. Every person's scars tell a different story - a story of pain, growth, strength, and courage. And it's a story that often goes untold or overlooked.

But in my last story titled, "Scars," I attempted to shed light on this often-overlooked topic. And to my delight, my readers showed an immense amount of love for it.
The story was an attempt to showcase how scars can be more than just physical marks on our skin. They can also be emotional scars, scars of betrayal, scars of disappointments, and scars of heartbreak. These scars can be deeper than what we can see on the surface and can take years to heal.

Through the story, I also wanted to convey that it's okay to have scars, even if they make us feel vulnerable or damaged. We should embrace them and use them as a means of transformation. As the Japanese philosophy of Kintsugi teaches us, broken things can be mended and made beautiful again with the use of gold.

And now I am back again with a new story titled "Love In The Shadows".The story of a brilliant and ambitious journalist who has always dreamt of making it in the big city's top newspaper.However, when she stumbles upon a dark story about the underground mafia she realises it might be her ticket to fame.

And the mafia who is greatly respected and also feared by everyone
And hates people who think they can outsmart him.But what if he comes across someone who tries to outsmart him ? Will he still hate her?
Or something more than hate?

Love in the Shadows is a story of passion, ambition, and dangerous love that transcends all boundaries.Read further to find out how the story of
Lianna Grey and Kyler Willson
turns out.


Lianna Grey is a brilliant and ambitious journalist who has always dreamt of making it in the big city's top newspaper. She worked hard in college, graduating at the top of her class with a degree in journalism. After graduation, Lianna landed a job at a small newspaper in her hometown, where she honed her skills and gained valuable experience.

Despite her success at the small newspaper, Lianna knew she wanted more. She wanted to challenge herself and push her limits, which is why she decided to move to the big city and pursue her dream of working for a top newspaper.

When Lianna arrived in the big city, she quickly realized that it was more competitive than she had anticipated. Everyone was vying for the same coveted positions, and there were thousands of applicants for every job posting.

However, Lianna refused to be discouraged. She continued to work hard, network with people in the industry, and hone her skills. She also took on freelance assignments, working tirelessly to prove her worth and build her portfolio.

After months of hard work and perseverance, Lianna landed a job at the city's top newspaper. She was ecstatic, but she knew that the hard work was just beginning. She threw herself into her work, producing high-quality stories that were both informative and engaging.

Lianna quickly rose through the ranks at the newspaper, proving herself to be an invaluable member of the team. She won numerous awards for her work, and her stories often made the front page of the newspaper.

Throughout her career, Lianna remained humble and focused. She knew that there was always more to learn and ways to improve, and she never lost sight of her dream of becoming the best journalist she could be.

And that's when it hit her the underground mafia, a topic never explored before by any journalist in the city. Lianna knew that this could be her golden ticket to fame, but it would be a risky move. She had to tread carefully and get the inside scoop on their activities.


Kyler Willson a name that is enough to send shivers down anyone's spine,the Mafia who has controlled everything from the street-corner drug trade to the highest levels of government.

Kyler is greatly feared and respected for his cunning, strategy, or ruthlessness and willingness to take lives to exert their influence and profits from the criminal endeavors in which the organization engages.He is known to be a methodical planner, taking calculated risks to achieve his goals, and rarely making mistakes.

Many believe that Kyler had a difficult childhood, which shaped his personality and made him the man he is today.

Kyler is a master of deception, often appearing charming and well-mannered in public, while behind closed doors, he is a cold-blooded killer. He surrounds himself with a small inner circle of trusted advisors and enforcers, who are fiercely loyal to him and will do anything to protect their boss.

Many law enforcement agencies have been working tirelessly to bring him down, but so far, none have succeeded. Kyler remains a powerful figure in the criminal underworld, feared and respected by all who cross his path.



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