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Lianna sat in her office, staring at her computer screen, her mind racing with ideas for her next big story. She had always dreamt of making it big in the city's top newspaper, but so far, she had only written small pieces about local events and charity drives. It was time to up her game. Lianna needed to find a story that would make her stand out from her peers, and push her into the spotlight.

And then it hit her. The underground mafia, a topic never explored before by any journalist in the city. Lianna knew that this could be her golden ticket to fame, but it would be a risky move. She had to tread carefully and get the inside scoop on their activities.

With a plan in mind, lianna began to gather information on the mafia. She spent countless hours researching their movements, studying their patterns and analyzing their activities.

She had heard stories of journalists who had tried to cross the mafia, and they were never seen again. But she was determined to get her story, no matter what the cost. She had to be brave and cunning if she was going to get close to the mafia bosses.

Lianna had been digging for weeks, trying to find any leads she could. She had worked her way through low-level mafia connections, but she wasn't getting anywhere.

Then, Lianna heard about Kyler Willson. He was the notorious mafia boss, who had never been caught by the police. His name sent a chill down her spine, but she knew it was her only chance to get closer to the story.

In an act of desperation, Lianna decided to pose as a frustrated and vulnerable wife seeking revenge against her failing marriage to get close to Kyler. She knew she was putting herself in danger, but she had no other choice. The stakes were too high.

Lianna called the number she had been given for Kyler's private line, her heart racing as she waited for him to pick up.

"Hello?" A deep voice answered.

"Hi, is this Kyler Willson?" Lianna asked, trying to hide the nervousness in her voice.

"Who's asking?" Kyler replied .

"My name is Lianna, and I need to speak to you about something very important. Can we meet?"

Kyler hesitated for a moment, but Lianna didn't give him a chance to say no. She told him everything she needed, leaving out her real intentions.

Kyler agreed to meet her at a quiet café downtown. Lianna arrived early, dressed in her finest work clothes, trying to look as convincing as possible.

When Kyler walked in, Lianna's heart skipped a beat. He was tall and broad-shouldered, with piercing blue eyes that seemed to look right through her.His chiseled jawline showed determination and his assured stance demonstrated confidence. As he walked towards her, his steps were calculated and purposeful. She couldn't help but feel a bit nervous as he approached, unsure of what to expect from this enigmatic stranger. She tried to maintain her composure as he glanced at her, sizing her up.

"Let's talk," Kyler said, gesturing to an empty table.

Lianna took a deep breath and began to tell him her story, weaving in just enough emotion and desperation to make it sound real. As she spoke, Kyler leaned in, listening intently.

At the end of the conversation, Kyler offered to help her.

She thanked him and got up to leave, but Kyler stopped her.

"Wait," he said, grabbing her arm gently. "I don't believe you told me everything,Ms.Lianna.

"Throughout my experiences, I have come across two distinct forms of deceivers. The first type is someone who can fabricate a lie without any hint of hesitation or guilt, delivering it with absolute conviction.They can sell their lies with such proficiency that their words become believable, often leaving the listener questioning their own perceptions.

On the other hand, there is the type of liar like you who is easily exposed and whose lies are transparent. These individuals attempt to deceive by putting on an act, but their eyes betray them, revealing the truth that their words seek to conceal. Their expressions and body language are often no match for the falsehoods they try to pass off, failing to convince anyone but themselves"

Lianna's heart raced as she looked at Kyler playing with a knife while saying all those words,yes he was right I have always been a bad liar and all this was just a made up story, but I didn't expect that he would figure out so soon.What scared me more was how he said all that in a calm voice.

Kyler leaned in closer and put the knife up to my neck and whispered, "Be careful what you wish for. The mafia is not a game."

Before Lianna could respond, Kyler stood up and walked away, leaving her feeling scared. 

As she walked out of the café, Lianna couldn't help but wonder what she had gotten herself into.Just after meeting him for the first time he held up a knife up to my neck,God knows whats gonna be next .
                                Kyler's POV:

"Boss you knew she was lying right then why did you even went to meet her" one of my loyal persons asked.

"Well,just out of curiosity, I wanted to see how desperate she was ,and to exactly what lengths she would go for her so called job.Dont worry though after what happened today she would probably just give up ,you know that not everyone can be like us right."

As I reminisce about the day's meetings, one particular memory stands out like a beacon in a sea of dullness: the moment when her hazel brown eyes locked with mine,while I held that knife.

Her eyes were captivating - the kind of eyes that one could get lost in for hours on end, and not feel the need to look elsewhere.

The way she looked at me, with unwavering attention and a glimmer of curiosity with a hint of fear.

"Boss..are you smiling?!"

What nonsense are you talking about I have many things to do so leave now.I said being annoyed.

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