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Lianna couldn't shake off the feeling of frustration as she walked out of Kyler's office. She had expected some sort of explanation or at least an apology for using her as bait, but instead, she had been dismissed without a second thought. She needed time to think, to clear her head.

As she walked through the silent streets, Lianna felt a sudden tug on her purse. Someone was trying to rob her. Without a second thought, she turned around and landed a swift kick to the culprit's legs, causing him to fall to the ground. She quickly retrieved her purse and began to walk away, feeling a sense of accomplishment.

But as she turned the corner, Lianna heard a muffled groan. She looked down to see attacker on the ground, holding his leg and groaning in pain. Lianna's heart sank as she realized what she had just done.

She knelt down beside the man, trying to assess the damage she had caused. "I'm sorry," she whispered, feeling guilty to hurt someone.

But just as she was about to call for an ambulance, the man suddenly sat up and pulled a gun out of his pocket. Lianna's heart stopped as she realized she was in grave danger.

"Give me your purse," the man growled, pointing the gun at her.

Lianna tried to back away, but the man grabbed her by the arm and yanked her towards him. "I said give me your purse!"

Suddenly, there was a loud bang, and the man's grip on Lianna loosened. She scrambled away from him, but her eyes remained locked on the man's prone form lying on the ground.

Rhys was standing a few feet away, his gun still smoking from where he had shot the attacker. He walked over to Lianna and helped her up. "You alright?" he asked.

Lianna nodded, still in shock from what had just happened. "Thank you," she managed to say.

Rhys expression softened, and he placed a hand on her shoulder. "I'm sorry if I scared you ".

What are you doing here though? Lianna asked.

"Well I was just passing by and saw that someone who i knew needed help."

Thank you so much Rhys.

"Well if you don't have any other plans would you like to go and have some coffee together?"

Lianna smiled and nodded, "Sure, that sounds great." They walked to a nearby coffee shop and sat down with their steaming cups in hand.

Rhys asked, "So how was it working on your first mission ?"

Lianna shrugged "If i have to describe it in one word i would say terrifying."

"It can be terrifying but you know Kyler always takes care of his people.If he sent you there even after knowing their plans that clearly means he already had a backup plan.He isn't that bad though once you really start knowing him.
And moreover you have me too around you I can save you from danger too so don't worry you would get used to it.I am curious about one thing though how did you even end up here? "

Well that's a long story Rhys i will tell you some other -

"What are you two doing here"my words were cut off by Kyler who was standing right behind us cross armed for god knows for how long .

"Hi Kyler,what brings you here"Rhys greeted his not so bad friend .


"Huh? "Rhys and Lianna both said in unison.

"I meant that I need to talk to Lianna about something important "

Go on i am listening.Lianna said clearly not in the mood to talk to him.What does he even want to talk about now ,as if he isn't the one who told me to get out of his office.

Not here.Kyler said and grabbed her arm
Let's talk outside.Sorry to say Rhys but she has to go with me now so excuse us.

"Bye Rhys let's have lunch together tomorrow".I said while leaving,and giving Rhys a geniune smile.

I felt Kyler's hand tightening around my hand

"Kyler, you're hurting me," Lianna said, trying to pull away from him.

Kyler's grip relaxed, and he let go of her arm. "Sorry," he muttered. "I just need to talk to you about something important."

"What is it?" Lianna asked, wary of what he might say.

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