9."A BAIT"

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Lianna didn't stop running until she reached the safety of her own apartment. Her heart was pounding, and her hands shook as she fumbled with her keys to unlock the door. Once inside, she collapsed onto the couch and took deep, calming breaths.

Just as she began to relax, her phone beeped with a new message. She groaned, not wanting to deal with anyone at the moment, but curiosity got the better of her as she unlocked her phone and read the message.

It was from Kyler. "Are you okay?" it read.

Lianna sighed, relieved that he was checking on her. She quickly typed out a reply. "I'm fine. How did you know I was in trouble?"

There was a pause before Kyler's next message came through. "Let's just say I have my ways of keeping tabs on my people. But you did well, Lianna. You planted the bug, and we now have access to their conversations."

Lianna couldn't help but smile, despite the fear still lingering in her chest. She had successfully completed her first assignment for Kyler.And also got a lot of new information for her article but at what cost.She wondered how long will she able to survive this dangerous life .

But just as she was about to put her phone away, another message came through. This one was from Rhys.

"Hey, did you hear about the raid last night? The rival gang's main hideout was taken down by Kyler's men. Seems like they were planning something big."

Lianna's stomach dropped. If Kyler had been planning a raid, then that meant he had known about the rival's plans all along. Which meant he had used her as bait to lure them out and take them down.

She felt a wave of anger wash over her. She may have been new to Kyler's team, but she wasn't just a pawn to be sacrificed for his gain.

Lianna quickly got dressed and headed to his office. But as she walked through the busy streets, a nagging feeling of doubt began to creep in.The words which he said last time
"Your life means nothing to me "kept on replaying in her mind.

With a deep breath, Lianna entered the building and made her way to Kyler's office. She knocked and went inside after hearing him say yes.

"Did you really just used me as a bait to lure them" Lianna asked trying to sound as calm as possible.

"What are you trying to say precious".

You knew about their plans right ,then why did you even made me go at such a place at my first day of work,what if something had happened "

"Nothing would happen you don't have to worry that much ,I am good at protecting my people  precious".He said with a confident smirk on his stupid handsome face.

Lianna....Lianna Grey that's my name ,why do you keep on calling me with this nickname.

"Just cause I want to ,and i don't think I am obliged to answer your each and every question because I am the boss here not YOU. So keep that in mind while talking to me"he said while keeping his eyes glued on the computer screen.

He's ten times more worse than my last boss.
Lianna whispered in a low voice.

"Well I know you like being around me but I am quite busy right now as you can see ,so leave""

Lianna left the office annoyed at his behaviour,and how he's so damn confident about his own self.And what annoys her more is the fact that she knows he isn't wrong.

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