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Before I could reply, Rhys barged into the room.
He glanced between Kyler and Me.

I replied, a hint of embarrassment coloring my cheeks. "We were just...taking care of Kyler's injury."

Kyler quickly fastened his shirt and turned to Rhys, questioning why he was even in his office at this moment. He pointed out that we had already completed our mission, and traditionally, everyone was given permission to leave afterwards.

Rhys scoffed and clarified, "I'm not here for you. I'm here for Lianna."

Confusion filled my expression as I gave him a puzzled look.

"Did you forget about our lunch date?" Rhys asked with a hint of disappointment.

"Lunch date?" Kyler interjected, annoyance creeping into his tone

I turned my attention to Rhys, searching for some explanation. "Oh, right... Lunch."

Let's go then Lianna, I am sure Kyler can take care of his injuries on his own, Right Kyler?

Get out of my office... both of you.Kyler said in a somewhat annoyed tone don't know why.

"Come on, Lianna," he gently clasped my arm and proceeded to usher me out of his office. 

You can let go of my hand now.I said getting embarrassed due to the obvious stares we were getting from people around.

'Right i am sorry' Rhys said letting go of my hand.Well I know an amazing restaurant let's go there he said sounding cheerful as usual.

Okay .I allowed Rhys to take the lead as we walked out of the building and onto the bustling streets. Rhys held the door open of his car for me, a small gesture that made my heart flutter.

As we sat inside the car, the tension between us seemed to dissipate, replaced by a comfortable silence. Rhys glanced at me with a smile, his eyes full of warmth and excitement.

"Have you ever been to this restaurant before?" he asked, breaking the silence.

I shook my head. "No, I haven't. But I trust your judgment."

Rhys grinned and leaned back in his seat. "You won't be disappointed, I promise."

The car came to a stop in front of a quaint restaurant with dimly lit lanterns and a cozy ambiance. Rhys held the door open for me once again, and we stepped inside, the delicious aroma of food enveloping us.

As we were shown to our table, Rhys pulled out the chair for me, a simple yet thoughtful gesture that made my cheeks flush with a tinge of pink.

I decided not to ask him why he said lunch date.I didn't want to make a big deal out of it.

We shared stories, laughter, and delicious food, getting to know each other. Rhys was attentive, engaging, and genuinely interested in every word I said. It felt as though we were the only ones in the restaurant, despite the quiet murmurs around us.

The evening flew by in a blur of animated conversation and shared laughter. I found myself feeling comfortable and relaxed in Rhys' presence, as if we had known each other for years.

After dinner, Rhys insisted on walking me home. The night air felt crisp against our skin as we strolled along the moonlit streets.

As we reached my front door, I turned to face Rhys, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness. "Thank you for tonight," I said softly. "I had a wonderful time."

Rhys smiled, his eyes sparkling with affection. "The pleasure was all mine, Lianna. I'm glad you enjoyed yourself."

"I hope we can do this again," I whispered, a mixture of hope in my voice.

Rhys voice filled with warmth. "I'd love that, Lianna. I'd absolutely love that."

I stepped through my front door with a smile playing on my lips.Even though it hasn't been much time Rhys has been like a good friend to me,which i was really grateful of.I never knew that i would actually find someone here who I can talk freely to .

As i was typing all the details about today's mission on my laptop, I realised that i completely forgot to tell Kyler that i wanted to learn to use a gun too just like him and everyone else, the main reason why I was in his office today.

Thinking about Kyler reminded me of the conversation we had in his office,which made my cheeks flush.Moreover why was I even helping him ,why should I be concerned if he's hurt or not.Concentrate, Lianna once you get all the important details about them only then you will be able to get out of this hell.

Ever since I have started working with them I started having a hard time sleeping because of nightmares ,being someone who has hated violence ever since and now experiencing it right in front of my eyes was too horrifying.
I decided to visit a doctor later on .

Love In The Shadows Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora