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Lianna tossed and turned in her bed all night, the weight of her new situation crushing down on her.

As the first light of day filtered through her window, Lianna forced herself out of bed and started getting ready. She knew she had to be at the designated meeting place at exactly 7 am, and she didn't want to give Kyler any excuse to be angry with her.

At exactly 6:30 am, her phone buzzed with a message from one of Kyler's men, letting her know that the car was on its way. Lianna took a deep breath and steeling herself for the day ahead, picked up her bag and headed out the door.

The car was waiting for her outside, a black sedan with tinted windows. The driver nodded curtly and gestured for her to get in. Lianna slid onto the back seat, pulling her bag onto her lap. The driver said nothing as he pulled away from the curb and headed towards the outskirts of town.

After a silent ten minute drive, the car pulled up outside a large warehouse on the edge of an industrial estate. The building was owned by one of Kyler's most trusted lieutenants, a man named Rhys .

Inside, Rhys was waiting for her. "Lianna, good to see you." he said as soon as she walked in.

Lianna shrugged, feeling strange to be with a stranger who was just as scary as Kyler

Rhys, with his strong jawline, piercing eyes, and chiseled features, was undeniably handsome. Much like his friend, Kyler, he possessed a magnetic aura that drew attention and turned heads wherever he went. However, what truly set Rhys apart was the unexpected contrast between his intimidating appearance and his gentle and warm demeanor.

At a glance, one might assume Rhys to be unapproachable or even slightly fearsome. His tall stature and muscular build exuded a sense of strength and power. But the moment he opened his mouth, the harsh preconceptions shattered like fragile glass.

His voice was soothing and calming, like a velvet melody that could instantly put others at ease. And when he spoke, his lips formed a gentle smile, transforming his previously intimidating expression into one of warmth and kindness.

"Excuse me are you sleeping with open eyes" Rhys said waving his hand in front of me .

"No..I was listening..." I said getting embarassed

"Oh really then what did I said right now " he said with a mischievous smirk on his face.

And i went quiet because I was just looking at HIM and not exactly listening to whatever he was saying .

Rhys slightly patted her head to ensure that it was fine and  motioned for her to follow him deeper into the warehouse. As they walked, he filled her in on the job they had for her. She was to plant a bug in the office of one of their rivals, a rival who had recently been cutting into their profits. The bug would allow Kyler and his men to eavesdrop on their conversations, giving them an edge in the ongoing turf war.

Lianna nodded, noting the details in her head. Planting bugs was a tricky business, especially when it was an operation of this magnitude. It was a risky job, but she had no choice.

"Time to get to work," Rhys said as they arrived at the entrance of the rival's office building.

Lianna took a deep breath and stepped inside, ready to do whatever it took to stay alive and out of Kyler's crosshairs.

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