3. Meeting New Bodyguard

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"So, you're going on a date?" Shravani  teasingly asked as I told her about the talk with my father

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"So, you're going on a date?" Shravani  teasingly asked as I told her about the talk with my father.

The topic of marriage has already made me furious enough and this girl was just rubbing salt on that.

Even though meeting any man was the last thing on my list I had no other option. That orphanage is the first step towards my dream and I'll do anything to fulfil it, even if it means going on a date with a stranger.

My father's reaction alone has given me shock, the thought about telling him everything was running on my mind for a long time but I never had the guts to do it. And when I did I was so sure that he'll laugh at me or completely dismiss my idea. But he didn't.

Now, the only new challenge was to deal with the new bodyguard which my father will appoint soon.

And not to forget the dates he had planned.

This time he had come up with not one but two new gogglies for me.

"Baw," Guddu barked and I realised that I had stopped patting his back during my long thoughts .

"Sorry, Guddu." I continued to pat his back soothingly and he nuzzled into my lap .

"See, this monster is already taking all your attention," Shravani  glared at the cute boy , in response Guddu barked at her loudly making her  jump on her place and hide her face behind pillow. " I'm telling you he hates me."

"SS, it's nothing like that. Guddu loves everyone even Baba likes him," I  assured her but she just continued to scowl.

"Anyways, it won't be that bad of an idea," Shravani  placed her chin on her palm. "You're already 23 and have never been on a single date. After all those dates you'll finally lose your virginity."

Taking the pillow beside me I threw it right on her face, like the shameless person she is. The only response I got was a monstrous laughter.

"I'm not interested in any man right now. Not even interested in talking with them. My only focus is my career , nothing else."

"But it won't be a bad idea," Shravani  said. "I mean what if he's nice and understanding."

I scoffed at her words," Yes, the men from Satviki can be nice and respected but none of them allow their wives to work. There are only a handful of women that work after marriage. The higher the status the lesser freedom women get."

That's what I have noticed till now. Educated, smart women left their whole career and dreams for some men. The whole Satviki society had control over everyone, even if a man wants to support his wife , he just can't without getting backlash from the society.

"You're wrong." Shravani 's words broke my thoughts. "Not all Satviki men are like that."

"And how do you know that?" I narrowed my eyes. "It's not like you know any of them. Or do you?"

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