chapter 31

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Tae Ho's Pov
I felt a cold liquid splashed on me, I shivered and opened my eyes.

"d... Dad" I stuttered.

"beat him up" dad said and the guards began beating me up.

"dad!!!" I called weakly in tears.

"I hate you" I said.

"you should, you can't like or love anyone Tae, you should be brutal and heartless, hate me hate everyone" Dad replied and I shook my head.

"Chi Min where is she?" I asked immediately I caught my breath and Chi Min was dragged in by her hair, she looked tattered and weak.

"dad" I mumbled and crawled to him. I held his legs.

"let her go, please leave her out of this" I pleaded

"you are so weak" dad said and I nodded.

"I know, just let her go" I pleaded.

"you can't love" dad replied and Do Jung was loosened from the chair that he was tied to.

"why dad? Why?" I asked in tears.

"cause you are my son, the heir to Kang empire" Dad replied.

"but it is amazing.... Love is" I stuttered and he pushed me away 

"beat up that bastard called Do Jung" dad said and I could see shock clearly written on Do Jung's face.

"what did I do wrong master Kang?" he asked and Dad simply chuckled.

"Bring her in" dad ordered and Mira, the girl who saved Chi Min earlier was brought in.

Do Jung rushed to the girl but he wasn't even allowed to touch her before he was being beaten up.

"I told you Do Jung, I told you clearly to rape her to death didn't I?" Dad asked and I blinked.

Dad really ordered Do Jung to do that.

"why is she still alive?" dad asked.

"Shin Jin, are you talking about my sister Shin Jin? Is she alive?" I asked and the so called Mira crawled up to me.

"Tae" she called in that same voice, that voice that I thought I would never hear anylonger, Shin Jin's voice.
My very own sister.

"Shin Jin" I cried and hugged her.

"Tae" she cried also and hugged me tightly

"little Sis, why didn't you tell me you are alive? Why? Little sis" I asked.

"little sister?" Chi Min asked and I nodded with a smile amidst my tears.

"I thought I would never see you again, why did you change your face? A plastic surgery?" I asked and she pulled off the skin mask.

"Shin Jin" I said and hugged her more tightly. It's her, it is really her!!!

"well, well, you both are not going to be seeing for long" Dad said and made to hit Shin Jin bit I got in the way and got hit instead.

I fell to the floor bleeding and Chi tried to come to me but she was held down with her hair as she cried.

"Do Jung, why did you let her live?" Dad asked.

                 Do Jung's Pov
"Shin Jin my girlfriend" I stuttered.

"master Kang needs to see you" a guard said and I looked at him a but confused.

"are you sure?" I asked and he nodded. I shrugged and the guard left.

"Shin Jin. I will be back" I said and pecked her cheeks.
She giggled and i smiled at her before leaving for master Kang.

"I need you to do something" master Kang said in his authoritative voice.

"what is that sir?" I asked.

"Rape Shin Jin to death" he said and I gasped.

"I... You are very funny sir" I replied cause to me then It was definitely a joke.

"I am not joking, rape her to death. She was a mistake anyways, she wasn't supposed to come to this life if only her stupid mother had aborted her. I don't want Tae getting attached to her" he says.

"she... She is your... Your daughter" I replied ed.

"she is not needed, I only need a heir any distractions such as Shin Jin should be removed" he said.

"I am... I am sorry but I can't do it" I replied.

"I am not giving you an option" he said and I felt a cold metal touch my neck, a gun.

I blinked repeatedly and gulped hard.
"are you ready now?" he asked and I slowly nodded.

                  Flashback ends
"it was after this I told Shin Jin about it and since we are lovers, making love was no big deal and we had the sex video clip" I continued.

"after this, a chip and a tracker device was placed on me well till now and the day I tried removing it, I was beaten to a pulp so I had to live with the tracker. I could only send text messages to Shin Jin. I couldn't speak to her cause we would be heard through the chip" I said and coughed.

"are you wondering how I found out about it all?" master Kang asked.
now do you still blame Do Jung

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