episode 5

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Tae Ho's pov cont
She was also in my class. Great! Just great!! She looked at me and smirked.

I ran to her and dragged her up.

"why did you do that to my car?!!" she yelled.

"do what?" she asked feigning ignorance.

"cut the shit!!! Why the hell did you spoil my baby?" I yelled shaking her and she began laughing hysterically.

"who knew that you could get so pissed off over just a car?" she asked and the teacher came in.

I let her go glaring at her and took my seat just behind her. My baby! My baby! I can't believe she ruined my baby.

Twenty mins later
The class was so boring, I had done this topic about 4 times and I know it a lot so what more is interesting in it?

An idea popped into my brain and I smiled. I brought out my pen and dug into her skin, she winced gently and I smiled.

I continued with it digging the pen deeper into her skin. She winced loudly.

"what's wrong Miss Chi Min?" the teacher asked and Chi Min stood up.

"nothing, absolutely nothing at all" she replied and made to sit back but I removed the seat making her fall to the floor.

Everyone burst into laughter and she stood up angrily.

" Bitch looks much more beautiful when angry" I said and winked at her.

"stay outta my way" she said and took the seat from me, them sat down.

That's how you deal with a Bitch but I am not done with her, she ruined my baby.

Chi Min's Pov
I sat at a corner eating silently when someone sat on the seat opposite me, Tae.

"what do you want from me?" I asked.

"show some respect maid" he said and I scoffed.

"when we are home, I am your Maid but here in school, we are both students" I replied.

"you are so unbelievable, yeah! Why didn't you sleep at the maid's quarter last night?" he asked.

"we will talk about my work when I am at work" I said and stood up.

He dragged me back to my seat and stared at me for some secs.

"I know you love me" he said and I stared at him for a while before laughing so hard.

"oh my! You... You... Are so funny" I said still laughing.

"there's no girl who won't love me" he bragged.

"well, you just met the one that totally hates you and that's me" I said and finished up my food while he stared at me without touching his food.

"aren't you going to eat this?" I asked.

"not interested in the food Bitch" he said and I ignored the word 'bitch'then drew the food close to me.

"ugh? I thought you hate me, then why are you going to eat my food?" he asked.

"it's simple, I hate you not the food" I said and continued eating.

"I wonder how you maintained such a head Turner shape eating all these" I heard him Mumble.

Closing hour
I walked to the gate but all Of a sudden, I was dragged by someone, Tae. Who did I offend to deserve this guy?

"you are coming home with me so get into the car" he ordered pointing to a new car.

"I see you got a new car, it would be cool redesigning this also" I smirked and he pushed me into the car.

"don't try damaging this car and for my baby which you damaged, we will talk about it when we get home" He said and I rolled my eyes.

"don't try giving me those sorry of petty jobs you did yesterday, okay?" I asked and he smirked.

"we will talk about your work when you are at work but anyways I won't give you petty jobs" he said and focused on driving.

I stared at him as he drove, dark hair that suits his skin color so perfectly, almost white skin, small eyes, pointed nose, pinkish lips.

Fuck! This guy is just too handsome.

"done drooling?" his words jolted me back to reality and I looked away

"who told you I was drooling? I was only checking out how ugly you are" I replied.

"you found out I am 0% ugly, right?" he asked and I scoffed.

"you are 100 % ugly" I replied and he beamed without a reply.

He drove into the mansion and parked recklessly.

"are you trying to get me killed?!" I asked, yelling.

"perhaps" he replied and got down from the car. I alighted also and could see every maid stealing secret glances at us.

Are they surprised I attend the same school with this punk? They sure should be cause on a normal basis I shouldn't be seeing someone like him everyday.

"why are you walking so slowly?" he asked and I rolled my eyes.

"we are at work so you better show your respect now" he said sternly and resumed walking.

"we are at work so you better show your respect now" I mimicked.

"arrogant fool!" I muttered

"you know what? I am tired so PM, come carry me into my room" he said.

A MAID FOR HIMWhere stories live. Discover now