episode 14

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The next morning
                  Tae Ho's Pov
I felt someonehut me with a pillow and I groaned, it's definitely Chi Min. Whet sort of Maid is this?

I fluttered my eyes open and saw her standing all dressed up and with both her hands on her waist.

"can't you just allow me sleep soundly for once?" I asked.

"do you even realize what the time is it's fucking 8:03!!" she yelled.

"do you know what that means? It means we are late! We are very late!!!!" she yelled and I threw the blankets over my head.

"get up!!" she yelled and pulled the blankets away.
She gasped and covered her eyes noticing that I was shirtless.

"why the hell are you shirtless?" she asked.

"cause it's my room, my house, my choice" I replied.

"but still you..... Just meet me downstairs" she said and ran out of my room.

I chuckled. We are late so why go to school anyways?

              Chi Min's Pov
I stared at the phone number, should I call Do Jung to come pick me up or not? Do Jung is s nice guy, much more better than that jerk inside.

I decided to call Do Jung after waiting for Tae endlessly. I was about to dial his digits when I heard footsteps.

I looked back to see.... Tae Ho, he looked like the god of cuteness that is if one existed. He was dressed up in all white.
I gulped hard and looked away.

Staying with a cute playboy can be so hard, can't blame those girls for drooling over him.
Wait a min? Why isn't he dressed up for school?

"good morning boss, why aren't you dressed up for school?" I asked.

"cause I don't feel like going to school  afterall I am so fucking late" he shrugged and sat on the couch.

"well I will just have to call him then" I Replied.

"call who?" he asked.

"a friend" I replied.

"who's that friend? And he's a guy? You have a guy as your friend? " he asked.

"none of your business" I replied

"who is he?" he asked,  his face expressionless.

"Kim Do Jung" I replied and his face grew red immediately.

"why do you wanna call him?" he asked standing up.

"to come pick me up, I need to go to school" I replied.

"don't, don't call him" he said with a stern look.
"why?" I asked.

"because.... Because I say so! I am your boss you obey me" he replied.

"I have to go to school" I replied and dialed the number.

Do Jung picked up almost immediately.

"hel..." Tae took the phone from me cutting me off.

"it was a mistake, she didn't mean to call you" he said and ended the call.

I closed my eyes and shook my head.

"why are you like this?" I asked.

"cause this is me" he winked and held my hands.

"let's go out let's go have plenty of fun" he said and pulled me out before I could say a word.

"I can't go out in my school uniform" I said and he nodded.

"I will buy you some clothes when we get to a mall" he said and pushed me into the car.

He got into the other side and started driving, stealing glances at me and smiling most time.
"what's going on? You seem so happy today" I said.

"yeah, I am so happy that I get to go out with you today, it's gonna be fun" he said and drove more faster.

"slowly Tae" I said and he chuckled.

"I love driving fast" he said.

."where are we going to exactly?" I asked.

"to the mall to get you some clothes" he replied.

"no I mean after that" I said.

"we get back into the car" he said.

"after that"

"we get onto the road" he replied and I sighed.

"are you kidding keep right now?!" I half yelled and he laughed.

"C'mon, it's a surprise but you are gonna have fun" he said and continued driving while I stared out of the window.

I dozed off after some minutes.

               Tae Ho's Pov
I parked the car and smiled, she's so pretty even in her sleep. I touched her face gently and she turned gently.

I tapped her and she opened her eyes.

"we are at the mall" I said looking forward.

"finally" she said and I got down from the car.

She did the same and we both made our entrance into the mall.

"pick anything you want, bills on me" I said and sat on the couch there.

"really? thanks boss, you are a really nice boss" she beamed.

"really? I thought you called me tiring yesterday" I said.

"that was yesterday, focus on the present, on the present" she said and skipped off.

I smiled and shook my head.

            Chi Min's Pov
"what the.... Why are things so expensive here? They are even more expensive than the mall we went to yesterday" I muttered and dropped the shoes.

I am not gonna buy anything here, this is a total waste of money. I walked back to Tae and he looked at me with a questioning look.

"where is all the stuffs you picked?" he asked.

"stuffs? I didn't pick anything, they are too expensive" I replied And he chuckled.

"That shouldn't be any of your business cause I am spending my money not your money" he said and took me back to the clothes section.

"don't come back without picking whatever you want" he said, ruffled my hair surprisingly AMD left.

I sighed and picked some few clothes whose prices were a bit low.

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