episode 4

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Chi min Pov
I picked up the pieces of the coffee cup that was shattered on the floor and pierced his skin severally with it.

He cried and cried while I laughed, it seemed so funny.

"what are you waiting for? Go make another coffee" he said.
So I was only imagining things.

"if you need coffee, get downstairs and make your own coffee and this mess you made intentionally, you'd be the one to clean it up!" I said and banged the table.

He flinched but quickly regained his composure. .

"who is the boss?" he asked.

"you can ask your baby car or your perfect coffee that. Good night sir!" I said, glaring and left his room.

So arrogant, who does he think he is? Even a maid deserves to live, if he continues at that rate, my life span is definitely gonna be shortened by half.

I grabbed my bags, took my headset and walked up to mum.

"I will be going home" I mouthed to her and left.

I took a cab home and jumped on my bed. So tiresome! Just the first day and I am already dying.

I sighed and took a bath, I jumped on my bed and stared at my homework, I don't understand this at all, I just hope I won't be given detention for not doing this.

I dozed off.

Tae Ho's Pov
Ugh? She really just yelled at me? So ridiculous? Who does she think she is? She is just a maid, I am going to get back at her.

I ruffled my hair in frustration and laid on my bed. What can I do to this stupid, ugly Bitch?

I called on the PM telephone but no one picked it up. I called again and it was picked up.

"you! You are being too rude!" I yelled.

"erm... Actually... Er...she left for home" I heard a girlish voice replied.

"ugh? Left for home? Why would my PM go home?" I asked.

"er... I don't know sir" the girl replied and I ended the call.

Who does she think she is? Even leaving for home? I don't think she knows the sort of job she got.

I need to write out a set of rules for her.

The next day.
Chi min Pov
"Chi Min, stand up you lazy girl" mum said and tapped me.

I groaned and opened my eyes. Why is she waking me up so early?

"why did you leave the Kang house yesterday?" she asked and I furrowed my brows.

"it was getting late so I had to head back home" I replied and she shook her head.

"only the chief maid is allowed to go back home at night, all maids stay in the maids quarter" she said.

"ugh? Why? That's not my house" I replied.

"you stubborn headed girl, just make sure you stay in the maids quarter tonight" mum said and I nodded.

"can I sleep now mum?" I asked.

"ugh? Today is Tuesday, you are going to school" she replied.

"just a little bit more sleep" I pleaded and threw the blankets over my head.

"get up!" mum yelled and dragged me up.

"okay, okay, here I go" I said and stood up.

Tae Ho Pov
I woke up and checked myself out in the mirror, still perfect. I glanced at the wall clock.

Shit!! It's 7:13 already. What sort of PM is this? Geez! She didn't sleep over last night. Well we will meet in school. .

I took my morning bath and swears preparing for school this morning was the most stressful thing ever, I have no PM.

I kissed my baby (favorite car) and hopped into the car. I turned on the ignition and drove off.

Chi Min's Pov
I sat in class watching everyone talk or get involved in one activity or the other but I was just sitting at a corner like a stupid nerd.

I put on my headset and left the class. I was walking by when I came across Tae's car.

Boss, boss! No one messes with me and gets away with it.
I looked around, coast clear.

Let's redesign this car, shall we?

Tae Ho's Pov
Time to attend class. Actually I don't see a need to go to classes because I already know all I have to.

I am the brilliant type. I stood up and headed to class. Wait a min!

Isn't this where I parked my car? Why is there another car here? Where did my car go?

Wait a minute, this is my car, my own Car. my baby!!!

"fuck you proud peacock"

"never call me a bitch"

"I hate you"

Different things were written on my car and the body scratched severally and destroyed.

"Chi..... Chi min!!!" I yelled and ran to class.

A MAID FOR HIMWhere stories live. Discover now