episode 18

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             Chi Min's Pov
"today was so fun" I said as Tae drove back home.

"let's go out tomorrow also" I said and he glared at me for a moment before turning back to the car.

"you can go alone, I am not going with you" he replied.

"going alone will be boring" I said.

"I am not going, don't try convincing me. I am not going to go no matter what you tell me" he replied.

"please" I pouted but he just kept on driving.

"such a mean boss" I muttered but he just smiled and mumbled 'thanks'.

We got home and I quickly went into the kitchen. Geez! I am so hungry, we just kept on eating snacks.

I was about to start eating my hamburger when I heard him yell my name, Tae, Tae, Tae. I dropped my hamburger and raced to his room.

"what are you doing?" he asked.

"trying to eat" I replied.

"I am hungry too, get me some food" he said.

"ugh? Go to the dinning room if you are hungry" I replied.

"are you talking to your boss that way? Bring my food to my room" he said and I nodded and walked back to the kitchen.

                 Tae Ho's Pov
I am so hungry and tired. I picked my phone up and called Mina.

"hey, I need you to come to my house right away" I said.

"of course I will be on my way right now"  she said excitedly and I ended the call.
I just need a Bitch right now that's all.
Chi Min came in with a tray of food and placed it on my laps.
"that's it! Eat!" she said and I began eating while she stared at me.

"what's wrong?" I asked.

"why does your own food look much more better than every other person's food?" she asked and I chuckled.

"that's normal I am the young master here" I replied proudly.

"can I have a taste?" she asked.

"no" I replied and her face fell.

"okay, I will just leave" she said lowly and turned to leave.

"okay, okay come back and have a taste" I said and she turned back to me beaming with smiles.
How fast moods can change?

She took a spoonful and moaned eating it.
"so delicious" she Mumbled.

"don't do that again" I said.

"what? What shouldn't I do?" she asked and took a spoonful then moaned again.
Seriously, I am losing it! She better stop or I might do something, something she won't like.

"you know what? Just get out with the food? Go and eat the food somewhere else" I said and pulled her up.

"ugh? Why?" she asked innocently.

"just leave" I said and pushed her out of the room with the tray of food.

I fell to my bed and buried my face in a pillow. Chi Min doesn't know a little bit about her perfect shape, does she?

Few minutes later ....a will be able to get here. But she proved me wrong as the door opened revealing Mina in a skimpy dress.

"Tae Ho" she called in a seductive tone and hugged me.
She rushed me with kisses, finally. after A whole Tiring day, I finally get to rest with this.

The door opened revealing Chi Min.
"I.... I.... Am sorry for interrupting" she said and rushed out again.

"what's she doing here?" Mina asked.

"she's my maid" I replied.

"ugh? So she's just a poor maid? Anyways I don't want her around you Tae, sack her" she said.

"I can't" I replied.

"why?" she asked.

"cause I can't, I don't want to. Mina, you know what? It's late, go home" I said.

"C'mon, I don't wanna go home yet" she said and I stood up and opened the door.

"leave" I said firmly but she remained on the bed.

"if you don't wanna leave, I guess I will just leave then" I said and left my room.

           Chi Min's Pov
That punk! That playboy!! I guess that's why he pushed me out of his room earlier so he could have time for that bitch.

"Young master Tae is here"

"how come?"

"oh my, he's so handsome"

Tae is here? What's he doing in the maid quarters? I stood up from my bed and saw him looking around.

"hey" he waved at me with a smile but I quickly looked away.
He should get away, all the other maids are gonna get the wrong idea.

He sat beside me and smiled broadly at me.
"why are you here?" I asked trying to avoid the gaze from every other person in the maids quarter.

"I wanna spend the night here" he replied.

"enough of the jokes boss, please go to your room" I said.

"you think I am joking? I am not, a Bitch is occupying my room so I have to spend the night here" he replied.

"but there are several other unoccupied rooms here" I said.

"they are scary" he said and laid on my bed.

"aren't you gonna sleep?" he asked and I laid on the bed with a sigh.

"don't you dare try coming closer To me" I warned and he nodded.

I laid on the bed and felt his hands snaked around my waist slowly, I felt a tingling feeling.

A MAID FOR HIMWhere stories live. Discover now