Chapter 27: Dating Advice

Start from the beginning

"Kasai Himiko."

"Hmpfft! Ukh..." That caught me off guard. I was so surprised, I almost choked on my own food. My friends were of course became concerned.

"Are you okay, Yukiharu?" asked Shinji.

"'s okay, I just choked."

"Jeez, eat carefully please." Gilang reprimand me while pushing a glass of drink to me. I immediately drank it.

The name that came out of Iwa's mouth was beyond my expectations. Out of all the girls he could choose, why did it have to be Kasai? She is probably the most dangerous girl in this school. Iwa was completely unaware that he was dealing with a venomous snake.

"What did you see in her?" I couldn't stop myself from asking that question. Because as far as I know, Iwa is the type who looks at the physical appearance. Kasai isn't unattractive, it's just that I thought that Iwa might prefer girls with sexier bodies, like Miwa for example.

"Well, first... if you look closely, she's kinda cute..." I didn't deny it. Kasai does look cute as long as you don't know that her hobby was extorting people.

"She also seems quite chill..." She had a good smile and never made trouble in class and was always calm in all situations. Never looks troubled or upset and always cheerful. I admit that she does look very chill but precisely because she always calm that you should be more careful with her.

"And... what else?" asked Gilang.

"Er... that's all."

"That's all?"

"Yeah, I told you, I still don't really know her, but I think she might not mind going out with anyone who asks her."

"That's an unfounded assumption," Shinji snapped. "And also very rude. You make it as if she's an easy chick."

"That's not what I meant," Iwa denied it. "I mean...well, how should I put it..."

Maybe he thought since Kasai didn't mind hanging out with anyone, and her profile wasn't as high as Miwa's or Satonaka's, she might be willing to date any guy as long as they had a good heart. Unfortunately dating and making friends are fundamentally different. This guy still has a lot to learn before he can jump into a real relationship. Not only that, he was bad at judging characters.

"Hey fellas," Arai suddenly chimed in while occupying the empty seat next to Gilang. He wasn't carrying a tray so I assumed he might have already eaten somewhere. Maybe he's here to meet someone or just bored. "What are you talking about?"

"Hey, Arai, you came at the right time," said Shinji. "Iwa wants to ask a girl out?"

"Really?" Arai looked at Iwa with a smile. "Who's that lucky girl?"

"Kasai Himiko," Shinji answered, and Arai's smile disappeared immediately. He folded his arms and slightly tilted his head upwards as if in thought. I didn't expect such a reaction from him. Arai doesn't usually look serious.

"What's wrong, Arai?" asked Iwa. "Something on your mind?"

"Iwa, would you like me to give you a little advice?" Arai asked back.

Iwa looked at us in confusion before answering to Arai. "Go ahead, it's annoying to ask for advice from you, but you're the expert, so it can't be helped."

"Ouch, that half-hearted answer was quite a blow, but it's okay, I'll still help as a friend. Now listen to me, not wanting to show off but I've been with a lot of girls, I've known all kinds of characters, from the innocent to the cold type and bubbly type..." he said he didn't want to show off but his words sounded like he was showing off. Iwa and Shinji were visibly irritated by this, each of them for different reasons.

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