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Lisa sighed and smiled at him, then she turned her head and looked at the hanging corpse of Sehun's lifeless body.

She felt a large warm hand on her shoulder and she didn't need to turn her head to know who it was.

"although I broke my nose, injured my face, I'm still proud of my accomplishment" Lisa said proudly.

"let's go back to the car, it's getting cold out here" he said as he wraps his arm around her shoulders.

They got back to the car and sat on the backseat, Jungkook wore on a disposable gloves as he disinfected it with alcohol. He picked up a metal sticks to pick a cotton bud before dipping it in the disinfectant medicine. He leaned his back slightly to touch her face before using the cotton swab to rub the ointment on bed bruised face.

"Teacher Jeon, do you still im pretty?" Lisa asked teasingly while pouting.

Jungkook pretended as if he didn't hear her as he's applying the ointment on her face, the cold sensation made her flinch a little.

"Teacher Jeon, I think I injured my body somewhere else" Lisa said with a downward lip.

"where?" he asked in a worried tone, showing distress on his face.

Lisa smiled at him and pointed "here, my heart", she touched her chest as she's showing the gesture.

Jungkook sighed and shakes his head.

Lisa almost jumped on top of the car's roof when the ointment touched her broken nose, it took a lot of strength for him to hold her down before putting a bandage around her nose so she can stop.

When he's done, they both sat quietly at the backseat without a word.

Lisa turned her head to look at his side profile, his facial feature were highlighted by the moonlight, they were very well contoured and highlighted his best parts. His hair was usually neat when it comes to any task, but she realized this time he didn't have a gel on, his hair was messier making him look more youthful from his usual upturned hairstyle. Her instructor was a 33 year old man, he took her in when he was 27 and trained her how to become strong and stand next to him. If she was going to live with him for the rest of her life, will it be too much to ask for a change of role? She was once his student and the teacher she admired, but now she wants to be his woman and the man she fulfills her needs for.

Few month ago, Lisa accidentally opened a p*rn site that was saved on his laptop and she realized it was a mistake until she started getting addicted to watching them, even learning how each gender plays the role of sex.

She learned that man are usually the one who takes the lead, but first the woman has to initiate it.

Tonight, she wore a red strapless v line dress for the task, even though it was no longer as pure as it was, but the dress hugged her alluring figure perfectly and highlighting her milky bosoms. She wore a sexy black lingerie beneath the dress and she was going to surprise him today like he said.

After waiting for so long, Lisa reached her courage, she placed her palm softly on top of his hand and placed it on top of her milky thigh before sliding it higher until the man felt her fabric underneath.

Jungkook smiled little when he realized her intention and pulled her waist and sat her on his thigh "you want to do it in this place?"

Realizing that the man had no intention of pushing her away, Lisa felt smug and wrapped her arms around his neck "you promised me after the task you will give me a taste of it" Lisa whispered on his ear and licked his earlobe.

Jungkook moaned slightly and said "where did you learn this behavior from kiddo?"

Lisa giggled "I learned it from the video tape on your laptop" she said "and I'm not a kiddo, Mr. Jeon"

Final Girl || Lisa x Jungkook Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu