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Outside the Cherryhills Café, Jungkook and lisa were sitting in a car in observation.

They could only catch 4 black suited young men and a women sitting on the same spot and speaking wildly. One of them started twerking on top of the desk as they all cheered for him, from far away only they noticed that the single girl seems uncomfortable.

After observing for a while, Lisa came up with a thought and she was confident with herself.

The 4 men all went to counter talking to the lady cashier, then they walked out of the Café except for the lonely girl who was with them, sitting silently with an empty milkshake.

"I have a plan" Lisa said making him advert his gaze.

"you're gonna talk to her?" Jungkook originally only wanted to take Lisa to see what these guys are up to before proceeding with a plan the next day.

"im going to find a clue, just watch" she said before stepping out of the car.

Lisa swinged the Café door and walked in, then she starts taking a careful walk to the brunette while carefully planning what to say in her mind.

Jennie heard a high heels clicking and she slowly raised her head to see a young beautiful brunette walking towards her table.

Lisa smiled sweetly and said "is there anyone sitting here?"

Jennie stared at the empty spot and slowly shook her head.

"then I will sit here" Lisa said and sat across her. The waiter arrived at their table and asked what they wanted.

Lisa smiled at her and said "two vanilla milkshake with extra cream on the top"

After she's gone, Lisa adverted her gaze and saw Jennie smiling at her in confusion.

"do you usually go for milkshake with strangers?" Jennie asked.

"no, but I just saw you sitting across and I thought you needed somebody to talk to"  Lisa said in a cute tone.

Jennie smiled a little. Then the milkshakes arrived on time and gave them each.

"thank you" Lisa said to the waitress sweetly before turning to look at Jennie "the treat is on me"

"thanks" Jennie said brimly before taking a sip from the milkshake.

Lisa looked up again and pretended to notice her gloomed expression, she asked with concerned look "Unnie, is there something wrong with the milkshake?"

"hm?" startled, Jennie said "no, not at all"

"oh, then is there something you want to share with me? You look sad from before, so If there's anything you can tell me, we're both girls" she said innocently.

Jennie bit her lip and didn't know if she should trust the girl yet. But at the same time, she wanted to open up from before but she didn't have any girls friend to talk with.

Lisa noticed that she wasn't ready yet, she sighed and said while rubbing her head "I'm also distressed"

Jennie raised her eye brows and asked "why?"

"because I'm in love with someone who I can't be with, he's my teacher that grew up with me, but I feel attracted to him"

"sometimes, I wish I can get rid of this feeling but it's hard to, he's been with me since I was a middle schooler"

Jennie nodded and asked "are you in high school now?"

"yes, I'm a Senior and I'm gonna graduate this year, I thought maybe there's going to be a chance with me and my teacher once I leave my school, but it turns out that... he has a girlfriend and he's engaged with her"

Jennie's mouth formed an o, after hearing her story she felt less guarded and said "I have a boy, let's say. I slept with him many times, but he only takes me as his friends with benefits"

"unfortunately, I'm in love with him, but he doesn't"

Lisa's nodded while listening carefully, and Jennie continued.

"it's because he has a crazy group friends, and they have a weird fetish with blonde girls"

Lisa's interest stirred as she's finally getting to the topic she wanted.

"oh, you mean they only like blonde girls?"

"yes, unfortunately I'm not" Jennie said as she smiles little.

"I don't know anything about those stuff, but I can tell it's weird" Lisa said and Jennie nodded and continues to ramble.

"I find that strange too, we often do a group hangout and they always talk about the 'stuff' they do every Friday with these blonde girls, but afterwards I don't see them again"

"I reckon my boyfriend and his guys are just a bunch of weird people that they scared the girl's away" Jennie said while playing with the straw of her milkshake "but, I don't know"

"oh that's weird, I've never heard of this stuff before" she lied even though she found out about it from the news a while ago with Jungkook.

"but hey you're a sweet girl and you deserve a better man, that's why never settle for less like that jerk. Screw him, go find yourself someone better and don't feel sorry, he deserves it" Lisa encouraged her.

Jennie smiled meaningfully and said "thank you, this was something I wanted to hear"

"kay, I shall go now, I have pre-exams tomorrow" Lisa called the waitress and paid for the drinks, then she walked out of the Café and told everything to Jungkook.

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