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"59" Sehun said as he reveals a murderous smile, the boys couldn't hold their excitements and started running with all their mighty while bringing their weapons.

When they ran far enough, Baekyun caught a red dress hanging behind a tree, he chuckled thinking he finally caught her, he walked towards her while leaving the rest behind as he thought to himself that this night, he was finally gonna make his first kill of this wonderful victim.

When he walked closer, he picked it up and realized it was a big used rag, he threw it on the ground and then few moments later he heard a sound of the bushes leaves shaking behind him.

He turned around and Lisa appeared and smacked his head with a rock.

"ugh!" completely off guard, baekhyun falls to the ground with his head bleeding. Before he could stand up, Lisa straddled him and smashed his face with the rough rock repeatedly until blood squeezed all over her pale milk face.

After his body was nothing but a lifeless corpse, Lisa wiped the blood off of her face before dragging his body away.

"where's that mf, he was right behind us!" Chanyeol yelled when he couldn't spot him, his mind was running with thoughts and nervousness and on the other hand he was still searching for this little blonde chick who was supposed to be killed.

"im gonna go look for him from that side, and you go to the direction where you're heading!" Kai said.

"a-are you sure.."

"yes I'm fucking sure" he said before walking away the other direction furiously. For some reason he felt like he wasn't in his mind as his mind was dozing off.

"shit.." he touched his head and squints his eyes, when he opened his eyes everything was blurry and a pair of flying lifeless head that revealed it's sharp, horrendous teeth was floating towards him.

"fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck" Kai swinged his hand as the head was getting closer.

"oh shit, a ghost!" Kai screams in horror as the head kept coming closer even though he was moving back quicker.

Kai cried "somebody, help!!!" but there was no one in this dead, empty forest.

When the ghost floating head was now on front, the ghost vanished into thin air and revealed Lisa who he has been seeing as a ghost. (hallucinogen)

"ah!" startled, he yelled and fell on his back.

Lisa grabbed his collar and pushed him down, then she used her fist to punch him multiple times until his blood was squeezed all over her pale face.

As Chanyeol heard an unsettling scream, the blonde on his face drained and he raised his bat high in defense, but somehow as he was keeping a sharp watch, he noticed that his vision was getting blurry as if he was dreaming.

He rubbed his eyes, but the fogginess wouldn't disappear. He was irritated, he started rubbing harder until he yelled in pain.

Lisa who was watching above the tree was amused, she picked a small stem from the tree and cutely drops it on his head.

Chanyeol who was on a high sensitivity immediately reflexed by the sudden object.

"what the fuck!" angry, he stomped the stem but he slowly realized something. He looked up slowly, and there he saw Lisa waving her hand showing her melting smile before she dropped a 60kg metal which landed on top of his head and killed him at once.

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