Chapter 21

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I took the newspaper with me, bringing it to the room with my desk. The second I walked into the room, I stopped dead in my tracks. Everyone was looking my way. Irises from all over the room tied me up.

"I think we need to talk..." Feng walked up to me and put a hand gently on my shoulder. She applied more pressure to guide me away from people and into the break room.

"What happened? Why was everyone looking at me like that?" My entire face was curved into a worry gaze as I watched Feng take a deep breath before talking.

"The Ghostface attacked again last night." She spoke slowly, making this whole encounter longer than it had to be.

"Is..." I had to take a second before speaking, avoiding any tears, "is Randy alright?"

Ghostface knows I was with him and warned me to stay away from people. Maybe he went after Randy to give me a much harsher warning.

"What? Randy's fine." Feng said, confused about what I was saying. She shook it off before continuing to speak.

"A man was murdered, I don't think you even know him." She said, looking down at the ground. From this reaction, I thought maybe she knew him or maybe she saw the horrid photographs of the crime scene.

"What does that have to do with me then?" I asked the obvious question. Does everyone think I'm Ghostface or something?

"On the crime scene..." Feng paused for a second, making me even more frustrated. She grabbed a picture out of her pocket to show me. "It wrote your name in blood on the wall."

The use of the term 'it' was an interesting add-on to that sentence. I guess no one really knows the gender of Ghostface besides me and Ghostface. That's not important right now. What's important is this crime scene with my name literally on it.

I looked at the photograph. It was as clear as day. 'Y/N' written across the wall, staining it with red. I could tell he took his time on this. There were few to little mess ups in the text. He even made sure to keep the dripping to a minimum, making the writing look even better.

"What does this mean?" I hesitantly asked. Who really knows what this means? It's like a piece to the Ghostface puzzle that no one knows what to do with.

"We're trying to figure it out now. The cops are coming later this evening to ask some questions." She informed me.

"Alright." I said plainly, no longer wanting to talk or even think about this situation even though I know it's going to live in my mind.

"Wait, what was his name? The man he murdered?" I asked Feng before she left. Her hand was on the door, her foot almost through it.

"Danny. His name was Danny." She said before completely leaving the room. I was now alone with new knowledge that I didn't want.

I didn't know a Danny. What was Ghostface trying to say? This could be a warning that he's coming for me again.

"Ugh, dammit." I said my frustration allowed as I remembered I'll have to write an article about this. I know it's my job, but I just really wanted a simple day today. I really wanted to write an article that has nothing to do with my life or is life threatening if I don't deliver it well.

"Are you okay?" A voice made me jump. I didn't even know anyone had opened the door.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." I saw Jed walk into the room. He went for the coffee machine and got it started.

"No worries, I've been a bit jumpy lately. I'm sure you could tell why." An awkward laugh left me as I tried to make the conversation light.

"You don't have to answer this, but are you scared of him? Of the Ghostface?" Jed looked away from the coffee machine, waiting patiently for my answer.

I had to think for a second. Of course, I was scared of him. He was going to murder me, but he seemed so nice to me last night. He sacrificed his own identity to show me his arms.

"Yes." I answered honestly, "I'm not sure what he's planning with writing my name down."

"Ghostface thinks in strange ways," Jed placed a hand on my shoulder, taking a step closer to me. "Don't worry, I don't think Ghostface is coming for you."

"What makes you say that?" I asked. Jed knows a lot about Ghostface, so I trust his opinion.

"He likes to make wild goose chases for the police. He's probably just trying to scare you as well." Jed's voice was so comforting as he spoke. It reminded me of what Ghostface had said last night. He brought up the way I looked at Jed.

"I'll see you later. Remember, I'm just a call away if you need help." The coffee machine dinged, telling us that Jed's coffee was finished.

"Thank you, Jed. I don't know what I'd do without you." I spoke shyly to him while he got his coffee and went towards the door.

"Don't mention it, Y/N." He said before leaving. I was once again alone. This time felt different, though. Since the attack, I've been so nervous to be alone. Now, I felt all warm after talking to Jed. What if Ghostface was right? Jed was special to me.


Blood Red -Danny Johnson X Reader-Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin