Chapter 8

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"Hello." My voice changer went to work, making my normal voice into a deep, dangerous sound.

"Yes?" He spoke in the same slurred and uninterested voice.

"Who is this?" I asked even though I already knew the answer.

"Not the person you're trying to reach." Jake sounded slightly aggravated.

"This is exactly the person I'm trying to reach."

"I don't think so. Bye, buddy." He hung up the phone before I spoke another word.

I sighed in annoyance. Just stay on the phone. Is it really that hard? I will kill him if he stays on the line or not.

I put in his number and called him once again. Ring after ring went by, and he did not pick up. Fine then, make my life harder, I'll make your death even more dramatic.

A simple image needed to be taken. An image that would force him to leave the safety of a muted phone and pick up to be in the call. I left the closet and slowly creeped over to the staircase. My eyes scanned the area except I couldn't get a glimpse of him. The TV was still on, its cartoon sounds filling the house. He still has to be on the couch.

I went down the stairs, close to the couch, until I could see the back of his head. He continued to lay slouched down against the arm rest, mindlessly staring at the screen. I took the opportunity to move inside the house, finding a closer spot. Before hiding again, I snapped a quick photo of the man. That's all I need.

This time, I hid in a bathroom. It was far away enough, so he wouldn't hear me but also close enough to catch him if he tried to run. I pulled out the phone, and this time, I sent the image that I took of him. Along with a text saying, 'Pick up'. Simple text, just enough to get his heart started.

I pressed the call button the second he read it. Sure enough, he picked up the phone in the blink of an eye.

"Who the fuck is this?" His voice was much more aware and angry company to before.

"I just want to have a conversation with you... Jake." I pulled out his name like a weapon in a fist fight.

"This isn't funny, Adam." He seemed to have calmed down once he assumed it was just a simple prank.

"This isn't Adam." I said lowly, waiting for his answer. They always panic when they find out this is a real situation. When he didn't say anything, I needed to catch his attention once more.

"If you hang up, I'll gut you like a fish." A simple line, but every time I use it, it makes survivors lose a bit of their sanity.

"Who are you?" Jake's voice went back to the fearful sound I loved.

"The more important question is; where am I?"

"This isn't real..." I heard his footsteps start to walk around. He wasn't leaving. Instead, he was searching.

"I'll show you just how real this is." Was the last thing I said before I heard his footsteps stop in front of the bathroom door. The real fun was about to begin.

The handle started to turn. Before it opened all the way, I kicked the door wide open. The wood hit Jake in the face, making him stumble back. It took him a second to realize what just happened. He opened his eyes with a hand up to his face to see me. The Ghostface in full gear, just about to pounce on him like the hunter I am.

Jake pushed himself off of the ground and towards the front door. The very locked front door.

He smashed his body against the door, unable to stop fully before reaching the handle. To no surprise, it didn't open. He started to fiddle with his keys. Unfortunately for him, I made it there before he could get the keys near the door.

I used my knife to slash his hand away, making him stumble back to the ground. His blood from his new wound started to cover everything around. He got up to run once more, leaving a thick trail of blood for me to follow.

I felt like Michael Myers while I slowly walked behind him. He was in such a rush, but I knew that I didn't need to be. Everything was locked up, and there was no way he could get out of anywhere fast enough. Jake had no chance of escaping me.

He ran to the kitchen, most likely to grab a weapon. A friendly kitchen knife was getting squeezed in his hand, ready to strike back.

I could read his movements like a book. He raised his hand for the slash just to be blocked by my own knife. I used the slight hook on my hunting knife to catch the kitchen knife and throw it out of his hands. Jake was left defenseless once again.

He started to rely on his fists, throwing punches at me. One was a complete miss while another landed on my shoulder. The last one was my favorite, I held the knife up just as his fist flew towards it.

Jake's fist moved through the knife like butter, making him let out a satisfying scream. The knife was stuck in between his knuckles. It was halfway down his hand before I pulled it back, slicing more of his already gnarly wound. I held my knife tightly, thrusting it into his shoulder.

Jake was so caught up in his wounds that he could no longer fight. Not effectively anyway. He fell to the ground, slouched up against the sink. He was already dying. He can't die, not yet. I need a news story out of this, not a child's book.

It's time to get as violent as I could. Fingernails? Ripped off. Eyes? Slashed out. By the time I was done, he didn't resemble himself anymore. He looked more like a shredded jack-o-lantern than a human. My favorite part was his heart. He was still alive through all of this, giving me the chance to tear out his heart while it was still beating.

Blood pumped all over the place. The sweet red swallowed every other color as it spread. The thick liquid felt perfect on my hands. I was made to do this.


You guys excited for scream 6?
I definitely am.
I'm sure I'll be writing on this story a lot before and after the movie because I'm excited but don't worry, I won't have any spoilers.

Blood Red -Danny Johnson X Reader-Where stories live. Discover now