Chapter 12

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My feet glided across the floor. Each step made a small sound as I moved slowly to the kitchen. I could feel the cold hardwood floor through my socks as I walked.

Maybe I should take those off. I've seen enough horror movies to know I shouldn't be the dumb girl who slips when getting chased. Just the thought of getting chased made me panic. Now isn't the time. Just pretend it's fake. Pretend it's a friend, and we're playing a scary game together. Pretend it's Jed, a kind man who would never hurt me.

I slid off my socks quickly before continuing. My bare feet made more sound, but at least I know I have more traction.

The kitchen lights were off as I entered. The knives were so close to me. I reached out my hand and grabbed the biggest one I had. The large Michael Myers looking knife fit perfectly in my hand as I held it in defense.

I didn't even bother to look if 911 had texted me back yet until now. I'm so lucky it's easy to get help. Now I just have to wait for the cops to arrive.

'Police are on their way. Where are you in the house?' The text was short and simple. Keeping the conversation going just as they would on the phone.

I started to type out my answer when I heard something move in the room over. I couldn't tell what it was or, more importantly, where exactly it was.

I couldn't move. Fear made my body freeze up even though I pushed myself to do something. I had to get somewhere safe. The bathroom was a good pick, except I would block myself in. The bedroom was my next choice. I could lock the door, and if the killer got in, I could easily jump through the window.

My feet slowly started to step forward on the cold floor beneath me. Each step made my hands more and more sweaty. Making it almost difficult to hold the knife.

I moved carefully by where I heard the sound, speeding up when I passed it. I grabbed the door nob to the bedroom and pushed it open.

The room was completely empty. I haven't had time to move things into the room, but that doesn't matter now. There was a built-in closet, which was also empty. I locked the door behind me, staring at it while I backed away to the window.

My back pushed up against it while my hand went up to open it. He could have been lying. Maybe he isn't in the house and said that to make me come out.

I started to debate against myself. Should I stay inside and leave the window open? Should I leave the window shut? Or should I just go outside? Three options to many. I wish I knew what to do, but here I was more focused on this than thinking about where the killer is.

Just then, the closet burst open. A flash of black and white slashed at me with speed. Sometimes sharp cut across my arm, making me fall down.

I looked up to see him. It was Ghostface in all his glory. The white screaming mask stared down at me like I was prey.

He moved fast and swift as he brought the knife down to my chest. Luckily, my reflexes allowed me to grab onto his wrists, stopping the knife. It was an inch above my chest. Both of us fought to push against each other. His legs straddled my waist, holding me still.

"I wanted to keep you alive. Toy with you... but I couldn't control myself." He pushed more and more, making the knife get closer to me. "You will be the perfect kill."

"No!" I yelled out as I pulled my leg out from under him. I pushed my foot against his chest and kicked as hard as I could.

He caught himself easily, going back for another attack. I got up to my feet, making sure to grab the kitchen knife as I stood. It was knife vs. knife, and he was a professional.

"Y/N, such a fighter. Not to worry, I'll make you regret not having a fast death." Ghostface taunted before slashing at me once again. This time, I was able to deflect the attack. His knife moved past me and into the window, making part of it break apart.

I took this opportunity to run to the door. I was happy I took my socks off, so I didn't slip. Unfortunately, that wasn't my issue.

Ghostface was fast. Faster than me. He was able to reach me before I could get to the door, grabbing my waist and pulling me back.

"Trying to be a final girl, huh?" He pulled his knife out again and slashed it across my collar bone. I let out a whimper of pain before kicking and hitting at him.

"I will not be a victim." Just as I said that, sirens started to howl through the neighborhood. The police were here.

I used all the power I had left in me to push the killer off of my back. Then, like a true Texas Chainsaw Massacre final girl, I ran straight for the window. Without much thought, I threw my body into the already damaged window and flew outside. The soft grass did nearly nothing to soften my fall.

I laid there on my back completely still. Everything started to hurt. At least it was better than being dead.

I looked back up to see Ghostface staring down at me from the bedroom window. He tilted his head as he looked down on my damaged form before looking up to see red and blue lights flashing all over the place.

"Help!" I screamed out with everything I had left. Ghostface dissappeared into the darkness as I called out to the officers.

They were expecting to find me dead. As far as I know, I am the first person to survive a Ghostface attack.


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