Chapter 15

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The door was locked shut. All the curtains covered every window, making the room dark. It was dark when I was attacked.

"Stop thinking about it." I had to think out loud just to stop my thoughts. Move on, I'm fine. The thought of Ghostface coming back didn't stop. No one knows what his next move is.

I slowly moved through my own home. Anxious at every corner, clearing each room before stepping inside. It was absolutely silent.

I couldn't help it but clear the whole house. Every corner, every hiding place, even the bedroom. Ghostface could be ready to attack. He could be in my house, ready to finish what he had already started.

Room after room was empty. Some were completely empty as I haven't moved anything in them yet. That just made it easier for me to find someone.

Only one room remained. The room I was attacked in. I stood outside the door, looking at the off-white color in a daze. I was in the exact same position before the attack. I was about to open the door with anxiety taking control. That's when I went inside and got attacked. Could it happen again?

I pushed the deja vu aside, and my hand slowly reached up and grabbed onto the door nob. My knuckles turned white as I stood there shaking. My heart rate started to rise, and tears filled my eyes just from the memory alone.

My hand slowly twisted the door nob. A loud creak echoed through the house as I opened the door. The room was just as dark and quiet as the other ones. The only light was from the broken window with police tape covering it. They didn't even bother to take the tape back down.

A chill went up my spine as I stepped into the room. There were still drops of blood on the floor. My blood. It had to be. My hand grazed over a few cuts on my arm as I looked at it. There was no one in the room. It was completely empty. Only the memories remained.

I quickly left once I saw it was empty. There's no reason to stay in here. Now, I have a broken window in my house. I'm not worried about the stress of paying to fix it or anything like that. I'm much more worried about Ghostface getting in again. He got in before without a broken window. I might as well just leave a knife by the front door while I'm at it. Might even be safer than a broken window.

My legs moved fast as I left the room. I didn't look back at it. I just need to move on. Yeah, move on. If Ghostface attacks, then Ghostface attacks. There is nothing I can do about it.

I shouldn't be alone. Not after everything that had happened. I have a few options of people I could ask to stay with. If they all say no, it's on me to stay safe. Maybe I should get a security system in place.

My thoughts kept running about security as I grabbed my phone. I was in the kitchen as I started to look at it. The only person who came to mind was Jed. I've stayed with him before. I don't want to bother him, though. I've already stayed at his house. I haven't even stayed in my own home here.

I don't want to ask Henry either. He's my boss. Staying with my boss might be awkward, and he seems like the type who prefers to stay alone.

My eyes started to water from not blinking. All I've been doing is staring at my phone, looking for who to call. Maybe I should just go to the police station. They wouldn't let me stay there overnight. A hotel, perhaps? Sure, I'll have to pay for a room with most likely loud neighbors, but at least there would be people around me.

My fingers were just about to press the home button to see if there's a hotel nearby when my heart dropped.

"Running and hiding will get you nowhere." A male and metallic voice spoke behind me. I instantly turned to see him. The Ghostface. Once again, standing in all his glory. He was slouched against the wall, looking at me through the eye holes of his mask.

"Get the fuck away from me." I warned him as I moved quickly to the knives. I grabbed the biggest one I had, ready to slash at him. I'm more prepared this time. Except this time, he's much more calm.

"I'm not here to hurt you." He used his foot to push himself off of the wall. Standing on the opposite side of the island. His hands grasped the edges as he leaned forward.

"You tried to hurt me before. What makes this different?" I spoke with confidence, trying to hide the fear that was burning me up inside. Pure adrenaline started to kick in, I was ready for a fight.

"I've only come to talk. A quick question, really," he spoke smoothly. He knows he's in power over the situation. "How did you survive me? Sure, luck was involved, but... others have had luck on their sides as well."

"Perfect timing. The cops came at the right time, is all. I did it once, and I'll do it again." I said with the same false bravery as before.

"Oh, I see. I've caught a feisty one. Well, honey? Are you gonna slash me with that knife of yours?" He mocked me as he walked around the island.

"I will if you don't get out right now." I walked around the island also to stay on the other side of him.

"I'm a professional. You? Well, you're just a small-time writer."

"Jed Olsen is a writer. You haven't killed him. Is that because he speaks highly of your work?"

"Olsen is a different story. You have piqued my interest. It's funny how that works." He moved slowly, like a snake that's about to strike.

I opened my mouth to respond, just to get cut off. "Keep in mind that I can kill you whenever I want to. For now, though..."

The Ghostface got close enough to me that he could reach me. He instantly grabbed my arm with the knife in it, throwing the blade to the side. His other hand grabbed my neck, pushing me into the kitchen wall.

"You'll make my story more popular. Everyone loves a final girl. Make me famous, and I'll let you live." The mask was mere inches away from my face as he spoke. "And also, don't think about running. I'll always find you."


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