Chapter 6

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I got in Jeds' car after making sure everything was locked up. I took a small bag of important things I can't spend a night without.

I sat in the passenger seat while Jed drove. My cheeks turned red with embarrassment. This was my first night here, and I'm too scared to sleep in my own house. It's pathetic. Not to mention, I'm spending the night with someone I just met. Jed seems trustworthy, though.

"Something wrong?" Jed's voice brought me out of my thoughts.

"No, I'm fine. I'm just thinking." I responded.

"If you say so." Jed looked between me and the road. He was definitely thinking about something. "It's okay to be scared, you know."

"I know." His words caught me slightly off guard. "I'm sorry for this, this surprise sleep over."

"No worries at all, darling." Jed chuckled.

Darling? That's a cute nickname. Maybe Jed will be more than just a coworker. That's when the car pulled up to a house.

His house was much bigger than I expected it to be. He must be a really good journalist. Makes me almost self-conscious about my own work.

Jed got out of the car, and I followed him. We both went up to his front door. I stayed close by him, looking out at the darkness. I wonder if Ghostface followed me or if that was even Ghostface at all. A part of me hopes Ghostface did take a photo. Sure, that means I would be in danger, but at least I don't seem crazy.

"Come in." Jed held the door open for me.

I walked in, seeing the place for the first time. It was clean. Perfectly clean. In fact, it looked like he cleaned the place every day. From what I could see, the house had a dark aesthetic. Most walls and furniture were dark gray or red. It looked fancy.

"You can sleep here tonight." Jed showed me the couch, which looks much more comfortably than my couch at home. "I have extra blankets and pillows. The bathroom is just down the hall."

"Thank you, Jed. Really, I don't know what I would do without you." I looked down, feeling embarrassed once again.

"No problem." Jed put his hand on my shoulder in a comforting way. "Have you eaten anything?"

That's when I realized I hadn't eaten anything. It's been a long day, and I guess I got so caught up in everything that I needed to do. which, in turn, made me forget to eat.

"Oh... I forgot to eat." A part of me wanted to lie. I'm already stealing his couch for the night over suspension, and now he has to feed me. Maybe I wasn't ready to move out. Maybe I'm not as independent as I had thought.

"No problem. I didn't eat anything either." Jed said, which made me feel much better about my situation.

"It's pretty late at night, but there's a pizza place down the street that stays up late." He suggested.

"I'm good with that." I smiled as he pulled out his phone, dialing the number.

"What do you like?" He asked before anyone picked up.

"I'm not picky." I responded.

Jed ordered the food. Once he was finished, he sat down on the couch. His hand patted the spot beside him.

"Want to watch a movie while we wait?" He asked while I sat down.


"Do you like horror?"

"Of course." I chuckled.

"Whats your favorite scary movie?" Jed's voice and expressions were the same as usual, but something about that line gave me chills.

"Halloween. You know, the one with the guy in a white mask who murders babysitters."

"Ah. A classic." Jed grabbed the TV remote and, in a flash, pulled up Halloween. "This is also one of my favorites."

Jed started the movie as we waited for our food. This was nice. I'll admit, it was much better than what I had originally planned to do tonight. Which was just to write until I fell asleep. I still need to write tonight so I can keep my job. Until then, I can spend quality time with Jed.

Soon enough, the doorbell rang. Jed went to it so he could get the pizza and pay the delivery guy. After a minute or so, he came back to me with food in hand.


Jed and I ate the pizza quickly. Turns out, we were both very hungry. After that, I got tired. Jed made me feel so comfortable that I fell asleep during the movie.

Not for long, though. Only about fifteen minutes before I was suddenly awoken by the sounds of Laurie Strode screaming.

That's when I realized I fell asleep on his shoulder. To my surprise, his arm was around me. I did not let him know that I woke up. I found it much more comfortable to lay on him like this. His thumb slowly moved up and down on my shoulder, relaxing me even further. I'm so grateful that he saved me from Ghostface. At least, what I think was Ghostface.

That's when Jed leaned his head against mine. I hate to say it, but I might be falling in love. I mean, we barely know each other, and here he is showing me more love than any other boyfriend I've ever had. Maybe he just catches feelings fast.

I wanted to cry when the movie ended. Mostly because that made Jed leave. He lifted my head up and placed it down on the pillow before he placed a blanket on top of me. I kept my eyes closed until I heard footsteps walking away.

That's when I remembered my article that was due tomorrow. I have time to work on it when I'm at the office. Even with that time, I should at least make a small rough draft before doing so. I can't have everything be last minute.

I took my laptop out of the bag and started working. Hopefully, my boss will like what I can do.


This story doesn't have a lot of views currently, but I'm still interested, and I hope there's at least a few others who are too :)

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