shhhh it's a secret

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Word count (4289)

As Andromeda leaned her head against the window of Conrad's car, she watched the cityscape pass by in a blur of lights and motion

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As Andromeda leaned her head against the window of Conrad's car, she watched the cityscape pass by in a blur of lights and motion. Her mind drifted, reflecting on the evening they had just shared. They had enjoyed their meal at Canes,

As Andromeda gazed out the window, her thoughts drifted to a bittersweet place. She couldn't help but think about her dear friend Lily, who was no longer a part of her life. Lily had been her closest confidante, someone with whom she shared countless memories and secrets. Losing her friendship had left a void in Andromeda's heart. Obviously her and lily still talk but they haven't hanged out for a while now.

As Andromeda's gaze shifted from the passing scenery to Conrad, she couldn't help but feel a sense of admiration. His hand firmly gripped the steering wheel, a symbol of control and strength. The way his other hand casually rested, relaxed yet purposeful, intrigued her.

She found herself captivated by Conrad's overall presence. It wasn't just his physical attractiveness that caught her attention, but also the way he carried himself. There was an aura of confidence and self-assurance that surrounded him, making him all the more intriguing.

As Andromeda couldn't help but find herself enchanted by Conrad's striking appearance, a mischievous thought crossed her mind. She chuckled inwardly, thinking, "Well, if they ever make a 'Most Attractive Best Friend' award, Conrad would surely be a top contender."

As the car came to a stop at a red light, Andromeda noticed a vibrant line of people outside a nearby establishment. Intrigued by the scene, she couldn't help but tap Conrad's arm and ask, "What's that place over there?"

Conrad glanced at the line, his expression serious and uninterested. In his deep voice, he replied, "It's a club."

Andromeda's curiosity piqued as she leaned closer, her eyes scanning the crowd. She wondered what kind of music was playing inside, how the atmosphere would be, and who were the people waiting in anticipation

As the car started moving again, Andromeda couldn't help but express her curiosity about the club. "That would be fun to go to. I've never been to one," she mused, her eyes turning to Conrad for a reaction.

To her surprise, she noticed Conrad's jaw clench slightly, a sign of his inner tension. His serious demeanor remained intact as he responded, "It's not the place for you."

Andromeda considered Conrad's response, feeling a bit disappointed that he seemed adamant about her not going to the club. However, she couldn't help but tease him a little, her playful nature shining through. "Come on, Conrad, we could be the life of the party! Just imagine us tearing up the dance floor," she joked, nudging him lightly.

But before she could continue, Conrad interrupted with a firm "No, Andromeda." His serious tone left no room for argument

Andromeda noticed Conrad's hand clenching the steering wheel tightly, and his stern response made it clear that he wasn't willing to provide further explanation.

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