unlikely bonds

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Word count (1982)

Andromeda lay on the couch, her body feeling heavy with a mix of emotions

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Andromeda lay on the couch, her body feeling heavy with a mix of emotions. She recounted the moments when she held onto Conrad tightly, seeking solace and security. Eventually, she realized that Conrad, being his stubborn self, didn't want to leave. So she allowed him to stay, knowing that he needed some time alone. At that moment, Conrad was in the bathroom, perhaps collecting his thoughts or trying to find his own sense of composure. Andromeda remained on the couch, her mind filled with both worry and gratitude for Conrad's presence.

Andromeda, still laying on the couch, decided to engage in a little self-talk to lighten her mood. With a touch of humor, she began her conversation with herself.

"Alright, Andromeda, time to shake off those heavy emotions and find your inner comedian. Let's see... Knock, knock."

She paused, waiting for a response that never came. With a smirk, she continued, "Oh right, it's just me here. Well, let's try again. Knock, knock."

Again, silence filled the room. Andromeda couldn't help but chuckle at her own silliness. "Alright, I guess I'll just have to entertain myself. How about a classic? Why did the scarecrow win an award?"

She paused, allowing a dramatic pause, before answering, "Because he was outstanding in his field!"

Andromeda burst into laughter, the sound filling the room and momentarily lifting her spirits.

But then Andromeda, caught off guard by Conrad's presence, quickly lifted her head to find him looking at her with his usual stoic expression. A tinge of embarrassment flushed her cheeks, and she quickly spoke up.

"Oh, um... Sorry, Conrad. I talk to myself sometimes to feel better. It's just a silly little habit of mine," she stammered, feeling self-conscious about her coping mechanism.

Conrad, unmoved by Andromeda's apology, simply replied, "I don't care," his voice devoid of emotion. He walked over to the chair next to the couch and settled himself into it. Andromeda sat up, facing him, her eyes hopeful.

"Hey, Conrad, do you want to watch a show?" she asked, a glimmer of excitement in her voice. Conrad, ever the man of few words, simply nodded once in response. Andromeda couldn't help but break into a smile, a sense of happiness welling up inside her.

She reached for the remote and started scrolling through the available shows, her heart lightened by the presence of Conrad beside her.

Andromeda couldn't contain her excitement as she watched the K-drama unfold. She found herself completely engrossed in the storyline, eagerly awaiting each plot twist and romantic moment. Glancing over at Conrad, she noticed his unchanging expression and decided to strike up a conversation.

"You know, Conrad, there are so many amazing K-dramas out there! There's the classic 'Boys Over Flowers' with its swoon-worthy male lead and the adorable 'Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok-joo' that combines sports and romance. Oh, and let's not forget the intense and mysterious 'Goblin' or the heartwarming 'Crash Landing on You' that takes you on a cross-border love story!"

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