Slumbers imbrace

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As Andromeda is walking back to her apartment, lost in her thoughts and consumed by sadness, she feels a drop fall onto her face

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As Andromeda is walking back to her apartment, lost in her thoughts and consumed by sadness, she feels a drop fall onto her face. Startled, she looks up and notices that rain has begun to pour from the darkened sky. The droplets land on her skin, mingling with her tears, as if nature itself is weeping with her.

Feeling the cool rain on her face, Andromeda's sorrow is momentarily interrupted. She lifts her gaze to the sky, letting the rain wash over her, cleansing her of the pain she carries inside. With each droplet that falls, she imagines it carrying away her sadness, washing away the hurt and disappointment that has engulfed her heart

As the rain envelops her, Andromeda's thoughts begin to shift. She finds solace in the rhythm of the falling rain, as if it offers a gentle reminder that life goes on, even in moments of despair. It whispers to her that there is hope, that healing is possible, and that new beginnings can emerge from the darkest of times.

With renewed determination, Andromeda wipes away her tears and continues walking, allowing the rain to soak her clothes, her hair, and her very being. The weight of her pain feels slightly lighter,

As Andromeda steps into her apartment, soaked from the rain, her heart feels heavy with the weight of shattered dreams and unanswered questions. The once vibrant spirit within her now feels dampened, as if a storm has ravaged her very being.

In silence, she makes her way to the bathroom, guided by the dim light that pierces through the gloom. With trembling hands, she turns on the shower, the sound of running water echoing in the confined space. Stripped of her wet clothes, she steps under the cascading stream, hoping that the water will wash away not only the physical residue but also the overwhelming despair that has engulfed her.

As the warm water envelopes her, mingling with her tears, Andromeda allows herself to crumble. Her body trembles, and she sinks down to the shower floor, the weight of her emotions becoming too much to bear. The sound of her sobs merges with the steady rhythm of the falling water, creating a symphony of anguish within the confined space.

Her tears flow freely, as if the floodgates of her heart have been opened. In the solitude of the shower, she lets go of the façade she has been holding onto, allowing herself to feel the depths of her pain. The droplets of water blend with her tears, as if nature itself is weeping alongside her, offering a silent embrace of empathy.

With each sob, Andromeda releases the anguish that has been building within her. She mourns the shattered pieces of her heart, the fractured dreams that now lie in ruins. The shower becomes a sanctuary, a temporary refuge where she can surrender to the grief that threatens to consume her.

As the minutes pass, the intensity of her cries gradually subsides. Andromeda takes a deep breath, steadying herself, as if drawing strength from the water that surrounds her. Slowly,

Andromeda starts hearing her phone go off so she rises from the shower floor

Andromeda's trembling hand reaches for her phone as its persistent ringing pierces through the damp silence of the bathroom. With a mix of anticipation and apprehension, she glances at the caller ID and sees the name "Mrs. Green" displayed on the screen. Taking a deep breath, she musters the strength to answer the call.

"Hello, Mrs. Green," Andromeda says, her voice still bearing traces of the recent tears she shed. Mrs. Green's concern is palpable as she asks what happened, sensing the distress in Andromeda's voice.

Andromeda hesitates for a moment, her mind searching for the right words to convey the turmoil she has experienced. Finally, she musters the courage to speak. "There was a man... he came into the shop. He... he had a lighter, and he... he set the place on fire," she explains, her voice growing quieter with each word. The memories of the harrowing incident flood back, and she can't help but shudder at the thought of the danger she had faced.

Mrs. Green listens attentively, her concern deepening as she hears the tremor in Andromeda's voice. She offers words of comfort and reassurance, assuring her that everything will be okay. Andromeda finds solace in Mrs. Green's presence, grateful for the support she has provided throughout their time together.

Andromeda, determined not to burden Mrs. Green with further worries, chooses not to mention Conrad's name or their encounter. She understands the complexities of their connection and the weight it carries, and at this moment, she wishes to shield Mrs. Green from any additional concerns.

As the conversation continues, Mrs. Green expresses her relief that Andromeda is safe and encourages her to focus on her well-being. She assures her that the flower shop can be rebuilt, but what truly matters is Andromeda's physical and emotional recovery.

With gratitude in her heart for Mrs. Green's unwavering support, Andromeda expresses her appreciation for the kind words and reassurances. They provide a glimmer of hope amid the darkness that surrounds her

After ending the call with Mrs. Green, Andromeda takes a deep breath, allowing herself a moment of respite. Determined to regain her composure, she reaches for a set of clothes nearby. She dresses herself in a cozy oversized sweater, a pair of comfortable leggings, and warm socks, seeking solace in the comfort of familiar fabrics.

With a renewed sense of purpose, Andromeda makes her way to the living room. She carefully turns on the TV and navigates to her collection of favorite Korean dramas. Among them is "One Spring Night," a series that has always held a special place in her heart.

Andromeda sinks into the softness of her couch, her eyes fixated on the screen as the first episode begins. The soothing melodies of the soundtrack and the heartfelt performances of the actors envelop her, transporting her to a world where love, growth, and resilience prevail.

the credits roll and the theme song of "One Spring Night" fades away, Andromeda finds herself smiling, the weight of her recent hardships momentarily lifted. With a touch of humor, she quips to herself, "Well, life certainly has a flair for the dramatic, doesn't it? I mean, who needs fictional plot twists when you have real-life surprises?"

She chuckles softly, recognizing the irony of her own situation. Life has a way of throwing unexpected curveballs, and Andromeda has found herself dodging them with both grace and uncertainty. But amidst the chaos and uncertainty, she remains determined to find her own path, even if it seems to be paved with melodrama at times.

As the episodes of her favorite K-drama continue to play, Andromeda finds herself slowly drifting into a state of peaceful tranquility. The soothing melodies and gentle storytelling lull her into a state of relaxation, allowing the weariness of the day to melt away. The comfort of her couch envelops her, cradling her tired body, while the soft glow of the TV illuminates the room with a warm ambiance.

Andromeda's eyes grow heavy, her thoughts becoming hazy as she succumbs to the gentle embrace of sleep. Her breathing becomes steady and rhythmic, syncing with the calm cadence of the drama's soundtrack. Slowly but surely, she slips into a blissful slumber, dreams and imaginings taking her on their whimsical journey.

In her dreams, Andromeda finds herself wandering through fields of vibrant flowers, their colors dancing in harmony with the gentle breeze. She feels a sense of tranquility and serenity, as if all the worries and troubles of the world have momentarily faded away. The weight on her shoulders dissipates, replaced by a lightness of being and a renewed sense of hope.

 The weight on her shoulders dissipates, replaced by a lightness of being and a renewed sense of hope

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