no empathy

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Word count (2579)

Andromeda's hand was poised to grab her purse when Conrad's firm grip on her hand stopped her

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Andromeda's hand was poised to grab her purse when Conrad's firm grip on her hand stopped her. Confused, she looked at him, wondering what was going on. Conrad shook his head, indicating that he would take care of the bill.

Andromeda couldn't help but protest, saying, "No way, I will pay. I'm the one who suggested it." She reached back for her purse, but before she could retrieve it, Conrad pulled her gently towards him. His hand wrapped around her waist, while his other hand held onto hers firmly.

With a determined look, Conrad stated, "I will pay, end of discussion." Andromeda's cheeks flushed slightly at the unexpected closeness, but she couldn't help but appreciate the gesture. She playfully responded, "Well, I guess you think I'm broke, huh? I'll have you know, I'm not that cheap".

Conrad shook his head, lips in response to Andromeda's joke. He released his hold on her, allowing her to head to her room to put on her shoes. Andromeda took a moment to glance at herself in the mirror, feeling satisfied with her appearance.

As she walked back towards the front door, she found Conrad waiting by the entrance, engrossed in his phone. Upon hearing her footsteps, he looked up and opened the door, holding it for her. Andromeda grinned and playfully exclaimed, "Thank you, kind sir!" Conrad closed the door behind her as she stepped out, and Andromeda made sure to lock it securely.

With a mischievous glimmer in her eyes, she added, "Don't worry, I always have my trusted key with me." She jingled her keys playfully, ready to embark on their food adventure

Conrad placed a reassuring hand on Andromeda's back, guiding her towards his sleek black truck. Andromeda couldn't help but admire the vehicle—it was stylish and had an air of sophistication. She smiled brightly as Conrad opened the door for her, a gesture that made her feel special. She happily hopped into the passenger seat and swiftly fastened her seatbelt.

As Conrad got into the driver's seat and started the car, Andromeda turned to him with excitement in her eyes. "You know where we should go?" she asked, her voice filled with anticipation. "The one and only Canes!" She looked at Conrad, waiting for his response. He glanced at her and nodded, giving his approval.

Andromeda's smile widened. "Yes! Canes is the best fast food place ever!" she declared triumphantly. She couldn't resist adding a playful jab, saying, "If you disagree, we might have to reconsider this newfound friendship." She chuckled,

Andromeda turned to Conrad, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "Mind if I take control of the radio?" she asked, already knowing the answer. Conrad simply nodded, giving her permission.

She giggled mischievously. "Get ready, big guy," she said with a playful tone. "You're about to witness a full concert right in front of you, and you've got a front-row seat. How lucky can you get?" She couldn't resist adding a self-deprecating joke about her own singing voice, saying, "I hope you've prepared your ears for my award-winning vocals."

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