the battle within

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Word count (1961)

Conrad stormed into his apartment, his mind consumed by the encounter with Andromeda

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Conrad stormed into his apartment, his mind consumed by the encounter with Andromeda. Anger coursed through his veins, fueling his every thought. He couldn't understand why she had to pry into his personal life, why she had to push him, and why she seemed so determined to be his friend.

His fists clenched at his sides, his jaw locked tight as he paced back and forth, the weight of his frustration bearing down on him. He replayed the scene over and over in his mind, each time fueling his anger further. Why couldn't she just leave him alone? Why did she have to dig into his painful past?

Conrad's thoughts swirled, his emotions a tumultuous storm within him. He was used to keeping people at a distance, building walls to protect himself from getting hurt. Andromeda's persistence threatened to tear down those walls, to expose him to a vulnerability he wasn't ready to confront.

Conrad's mind wandered back to his past, where the echoes of his parents' voices resonated. Their constant reminders to stay focused, to prioritize what truly mattered, had shaped his upbringing. They were rarely around, always busy with their own pursuits, leaving Conrad to find solace in the boxing ring and the pursuit of his education.

For as long as he could remember, Conrad had been driven by a singular purpose. He immersed himself in his studies, dedicating countless hours to perfecting his craft as a boxer. It became his refuge, a place where he could channel his frustrations, fears, and ambitions.

His parents' absence had been a double-edged sword. On one hand, it fueled his determination to prove himself, to excel and rise above the circumstances that had shaped his upbringing. It pushed him to become self-reliant, to rely on his own strength and resilience.

But on the other hand, their absence left a void, an emptiness that Conrad carried within him. He longed for the support, the guidance, and the love that he had seen other children receive from their parents. It was a longing he learned to bury deep within, determined not to let it distract him from his goals.

Conrad's focus had always been laser-sharp, honed to tune out distractions, to keep his eyes fixed firmly on his ambitions. He had built walls around himself, isolating himself from personal connections that could potentially hinder his progress. His parents' lessons had ingrained in him the belief that he couldn't afford to be sidetracked, that he had to remain steadfast in his pursuit of success.

He resented his parents for their absence, for their relentless pursuit of perfection that had left him feeling isolated and detached. The resentment had grown over the years, manifesting as a burning hatred that seeped into every corner of his being.

Be the best, they had said. Don't let distractions hinder your path to success. Conrad had internalized those messages, letting them shape his very identity.

As Conrad stood in his apartment, his anger and bitterness still smoldering, he clung tightly to his conviction of solitude. The idea of forming relationships, of allowing someone to penetrate the walls he had meticulously built, felt like an unfathomable betrayal to his core beliefs.

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