Too far

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"Harder!" screamed Abby

"Faster" wailed Sophia.

"Go, go, GO!" they screamed in unison.

Charlie was sweating buckets and couldn't go on much longer.

"OK, stop" said Sophia.

Charlie slumped to the floor knackered, his body screaming out in pain.

"Let's have a look then, whip them off" said Sophia, not even allowing Charlie to catch his breath.

Charlie did as he was told. He removed his leggings and removed his panties with them, leaving him lying on the floor, wearing nothing but a sports bra.

Sophia felt the wet panties and seemed satisfied with the result. 

"Perfect, good job babe. These should fetch at least £300."

Charlie lay on the ground, still struggling to breathe. The girls had quickly figured out the ins and outs of selling underwear to pervs and it was now a twice daily occurrence for Charlie to spend his time squatting, performing jumping jacks, lunges, anything to work up a sweat. The more wet he could get his panties from sweat, the more money they could make.

He stood up to grab a drink, catching his breath a little more easily now. As he did, Abby couldn't help but comment:

"You know, the money isn't the only thing coming out of this, all these squats are doing your ass a lot of favours" she teased.

Charlie accepted the compliment, and had a look for himself. She was right. His ass was nice and plump had a good jiggle to it. His legs were very well shaped as well. It had been two weeks now since the girls had been into his room and taken his first pair of panties to sell. That was nearly two weeks of working out twice a day, and the results were clearly showing.

He tried to ignore the pride he felt, as he wandered into the shower to clean himself up.

It was a routine he was well used to by now. He grabbed his razor and made sure to remove any hair from his body. His legs, his armpits, his 'penis'. He then proceeded to wash his hair. The girls had relented and removed the wig from his head almost two weeks ago, allowing his natural hair to grow out. It had been long for a guy before the torture began, and by now it was just over shoulder length, and was a soft brunette colour. He lathered it in a specialist shampoo that promoted growth, and followed up with some conditioner.

After his shower, he wrapped himself in a towel and proceeded to his room. It was late morning on a Saturday, and he contemplated the day ahead. Sophia and Abby had started giving him the weekend off from his chores, so he could spend the day doing what he wanted, within reason.

Lately they were far too concerned with using him as a used panty machine, rather than using him for chores, and they had also started to be less stringent about enforcing their rules on him. As long as they were making money, they were happy. 

Despite this, Charlie had found himself generating habits that were hard to break. He combed out his hair and blow dried it. He sat down at his makeup desk and proceeded to apply a full face of makeup. He approached his dresser and pulled out a matching lilac bra and panty set, making sure to fill his bra with his breast forms. 

It was strange, none of this felt weird to Charlie. Just over three weeks ago he would take no pleasure from these things, but now he struggled to picture his life without them. The punishment the girls inflicted on him had truly impacted him. The cosmetic changes were completely reversible. He could easily remove the makeup, cut his hair, throw on jeans and a t-shirt. But he wasn't sure the changes to his mind were so readily reversible.

He browsed his wardrobe and threw on a strappy sundress, and looked in the mirror. The reflection staring back at him, the reflection of a beautiful woman, no longer felt alien to him. It felt familiar. Comforting.

Charlie proceeded to the living room now he was dressed, and saw Abby and Sophia in deep conversation.

"Hey" he said as he entered.

They stopped their conversation, and looked over at him. Sophia looked to Abby, and nodded in agreement.

"What's up?" asked Charlie, confused as to what the deep conversation was about.

"Well, as you know, we've been selling your used panties with great success. We've made £3,000 in the last 2 weeks."

Charlie was shocked. That was way more than he had made when he was selling the girls' underwear.

"But..." continued Abby "we think we can do more."

Sophia looked excited, and carried on:

"So, there's a website online called OnlyFans, have you heard of it?" she asked excitedly.

Charlie gulped.

"Porn?! It's a porn site isn't it?" he said, completely aghast. 

"Yes, in a way. It can be whatever we want it to be. Whatever content we want to post. We'd be completely in control." replied Sophia.

"No." said Charlie, finally finding a bit of confidence. "Look, this is all too much now. I've done what you asked. I've ruined my life. I look in the mirror and don't even know who I am any more. I can walk in heels, I can do my makeup with my eyes closed, I have my balls inside my body. And I get it now. The underwear. I get it. I feel gross. Knowing that perverts are wanking over my underwear and doing god knows what with them. It's vile. I understand what it's like to be a woman. What it's like to be violated. Isn't that you wanted? You got what you wanted!"

"Oh Charlie," tutted Abby. "I'm afraid that's not how this works. Maybe it's our fault. Maybe we've been too easy on you lately. We noticed that you were getting into the role so we didn't interfere. But let me make one thing clear. You are ours. We own you. You don't get to say no. We have all the power here. Without us, you'll be on the street or in a prison cell. So this isn't a debate. You will do as we say. And you will be ready tonight to upload your first content."

Charlie sat, rooted to the spot, unable to move from shear fear, anger, despair.

"What do you say to your mistresses for giving you this fantastic opportunity to show yourself off?" asked Sophia with an evil smirk.

"Thank you mistress" replied Charlie, forcing a smile.

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