First day of a new life

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Charlie awoke the next day wishing he'd been dreaming. However, the constricting feel of the bra around his chest and the thong riding up his bum reminded him that this was very much his reality.

After he had finished cooking dinner the previous night, the girls set him the task of washing up. While he was busy in the kitchen, they went to work. They raided his bedroom and removed every trace of him being a boy. His jeans, his t-shirts, his hoodies, his underwear. All gone. They sent him to bed and told him he was under no circumstances to remove his underwear or there'd be severe consequences.

He wished this part had been a dream too, but he rose out of bed, opened his wardrobe, and was greeted with nothing. Empty. He checked his drawers too. Empty. All he had was the lingerie that he was wearing.

"Charlie! Breakfast! Now" he heard Sophia bark from the kitchen.

He opened his door and marched to the kitchen. 

"Oooh good girl, you're still wearing the underwear" said Abby.

He resented being called a girl, but he didn't feel very masculine right now so perhaps it was apt. After he whipped up the girls some breakfast, he was given his tasks for the day by Abby.

"First thing's first, I'm sick of seeing your pale white ass bouncing around and the outline of your barely visible cock, so we've decided that you can wear some clothes."

This was promising. At least he wouldn't be wandering in underwear the whole day. However, the choice of clothing was not ideal. Sophia, who was annoyingly the same height and same build as Charlie, had selected a dress for him to wear. It was a pink flowery sundress that was quite short to say the least.

"Put this on. Now!"

Charlie did as he was told and quickly pulled on the dress. The gentle feel of the fabric and the flow of the dress was not unpleasant Charlie was surprised to discover. At least his tiny cock was no longer so obvious, not that there was any mystery now there anyway.

"Now, we are both going to be at work today, but we want the whole house spotless when we get back." demanded Sophia.

"Yep, and don't tire yourself out too much, because when we get back, we've got a busy night ahead of us." said Abby with a wry smile. "You're going to understand just what it feels like to be a girl, and then maybe you won't be so keen to humiliate women and steal from them in the future."

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