Caught in the Act

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Charlie had been continuing his little scheme for a couple of weeks now without much trouble. 

After his initial theft failed to raise any suspicion, he decided to steal a red thong this time. He knew that Abby had worn it to the gym as she'd got home and gone straight to the shower. It was still wet from her sweat when he picked it out of the laundry basket, and based on his research across the websites, he knew this would achieve more money. This was confirmed when the thong sold for a whopping £350!

Another stolen bikini brief later and Charlie was able to meet his rent for the month on time. Not only was he able to pay his rent, but he was also enjoying it slightly. The thrill of stealing and getting money gave him a buzz. There was still an undercurrent of shame, but whilst the money was still rolling in this wasn't much of an issue.

Unfortunately for Charlie, the thrill of stealing and the appeal of easy money made him sloppy. 

It had been a good few weeks since his first theft, and another payment of rent was due. Without a job, he was still in need of the money, so he turned to his tried and tested revenue stream - the laundry basket.

It was a Wednesday afternoon and he had the apartment to himself as both girls were at work (Abby worked in a fashion boutique and Sophia was an events planner). His guard was down so he didn't even bother locking the bathroom door. He just began rifling through the laundry basket. After a quick search he found a scrunched up thong inside a pair of jeans. It was a pastel blue colour and would fetch a good amount online. However, he remembered that he had previously seen a similar coloured bra in the laundry basket before. If this was part of a set it would sell for much more online, so without even thinking he proceeded down the corridor and tried Sophia's room first. He rifled through her drawers but couldn't find a similar bra, so he tried Abby's room. After a quick look, he found the bra in the top drawer of the dresser.

Bingo. The two together would likely fetch him two or three hundred pounds, which would be well on the way to covering his rent. He wheeled around to return to his room and upload the pictures when he saw Abby standing in the doorway, eyes open in disbelief.

How didn't he hear her? Why was she home? How much did she see?

None of these questions mattered. The only question that mattered was the one that came out of Abby's mouth...

"What the fuck are you doing?"

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