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PE Teacher:
Tomioka Giyuu
Valentine Chocolates
Total Recieved: 31 pieces

"I've never thought of trying to be popular." Tomioka said, dead eyes never meeting the students'.

Zenitsu, hiding behind Tanjiro, groveled, "Do you enjoy breathing those lies? Your methods are horrible. It's just because you'd get less if you told us, isn't it? You fucking weasel!"

Tanjiro shoves Zenitsu off of his shoulder, furious with his disrespect, "Just shut it already, Zenitsu!"

"It's sad enough Mr. Tomioka is here eating alone, so he really doesn't need your shit!" Tanjiro screams.

"He's not alone."

Tanjiro and Zenitsu spin on their heels, surprised to see the floral and gardening teacher standing above them.

Floral Arrangment and Gardening
Kamado Tsukumo
Valentine Chocolates
Total Recieved: 132

Tsukumo grinned, "Why are you two bothering Mr. Tomioka while he's on lunch break?"


"How upsetting!" -Giyuu

Tsukumo creased his eyes and let out a chuckle, sitting down next to Tomioka and giving him a cold coffee.

Tanjiro bows deeply, "I'm so sorry! Im so sorry, Mr. Tomioka! So sorry, Nii-Chan!" He spun on his heels, "Get back here, Zenitsu!"


"No running in the halls!! If you run into Kamado-San-- I'll kill you!"

Inosuke grumbled, laughing maniacally, "Then try and catch me!"

Passing by the art room was Mr. Shinazugawa chasing Inosuke, both technically breaking rules at the moment.

And just as Sanemi threatened, Tsukumo was rearing the corner with a drink carrier in hand. As he walked into the danger zone, Inosuke slammed straight into his chest at full speed.

Sanemi's brow twitched as rage fueled inside his soul and seeped into his fists, he punched Inosuke in the back of the boys head, causing the student to fall face first to the floor.

Tsukumo looked down at his crocheted cardigan, which was now drenched in hot coffee. The skin on Tsukumo's neck burning a furious red, the scorching coffee obviously have burnt him.

The gardening teacher frowned, "Kagaya's coffee..." Tsukumo furrowed his brow in sadness, "I failed him..."

Sanemi stomped on Inosuke's hip, "Apologize to Kamado-San, right now! Or I'll gut you like a fish!"

"Eh, Mama?"

Tsukumo then looked away from his spilt coffee and realized the one who ran into him was Inosuke, a boy that he had brought furthest under his wing, besides his siblings of course.

Tsukumo sighed sadly, "Go to detention, Inosuke... Mr. Shinazugawa, please return to your duties."


Inosuke frowned, the ears on his boar head dropping like a sad puppy, "I'm sorry, Mama!"

Tsukumo waved his hand at Inosuke with a sad smile, "Go to detention, we will talk later."


Within the teachers lounge, Tsukumo sat at Kanae's desk, the teacher wrapping up his neck and arms.

"How did you get these burns?" Giyuu asked softly, helping patch the burns.

Tsukumo frowned, "I was delivering coffee to Kagaya-San and a student ran into me."

"It was that damn boar kid!" Sanemi growled, "Spilt the coffee all over Kamado-San...!" He grit his teeth.

Tsukumo sighed, craning his neck back further when the ceiling started to shake. Giyuu blinked, his hands shaking slightly.

"Uzui's at it again."

Rengoku laughed, looking up at the dusty ceiling, "Yep. Art is an explosion! Seems like it is, anyway."

Tsukumo felt like a mummy, "This is bullshit."

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