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Tanjiro glanced around the wisteria littered mountain, sighing with a smile as he realized that he had finished the Final Selection.

"I did it! I made it! I wonder how everyone is..."

Tanjiro continued walking further out of the wisteria forest, finding himself among only four contestants who had survived.

"Only four of us?! When we started, there was at least 20!"

"I'm dead meat.."


The bright yellow boy was clad in bruises, and looked somewhat disappointed or scared, "I'm a goner. Even if I manage to survive, I'll die in the end anyway."

Tanjiro awkwardly looked around, feeling kind of bad for the unusual boy.

Kiriya and Kanata were seen at the top of the platform, swaying in unison, "Welcome back."

Kanata, "Congratulations."

"We are glad to see you have all survived." Kiriya.

The black haired boy temperamentally glanced around, his stance tense. It was obvious he was more brute than fast.

"So? Where's my sword?" He spoke up harshly.

Tanjiro made small eye contact with him, noticing that he was kind of tall, yet not at all as tall as Tsukumo. Still insane though.

Kanata ignored the irked boy, "First, we shall issue you all uniforms, we will take your measurements and give you the engraved uniform."

"There are ten ranks in total." Kiriya spoke gently, taking turns with her brother









"Mizunoto." Kiriya finished.

Kanata's hair piece tingled as his head tilted to the side a very unnoticeable amount, "Currently, you are the lowest rank. Mizunoto."

"What about our swords?!"

"You will pick your ore for your swords, but the blade will take 10 to 15 days." Kanata overruled the brute boy.

"Are you kidding me?"

Kanata raised his hands up, his hands meeting his shoulders, "But first."

As he clapped a couple of times, four crows came down onto the new slayers. One audibly loud one flys down onto Tanjiro's shoulder, one carefully hands on the girl, and the brute's almost seems anxious to land on his arm. The yellow boy was handed a cute sparrow.

"You are all assigned a Kusugai crow."

"Wah?!" Tanjiro let out, surprised by the crow, "Tsukumo is going to love this..."

The yellow boy cried out a small squeak, "Um, didn't you say crow? I think this is a sparrow..."

The brute waved his arm around viciously, throwing the crow off of himself, "Don't give me that crap!"

"𝐇𝐞'𝐬 𝐎𝐧 𝐎𝐮𝐫 𝐒𝐢𝐝𝐞" - 𝙺𝙽𝚈 𝚡 𝙼𝚊𝚕𝚎!𝙾𝚌Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat