Closing my eyes I heard screams. I jolted back up realizing I was just about to fall asleep. I took a look at my bleeding arm, "Just keep swimming." I said going over to the sink to wash the wound. 

"Percy..." I didn't turn around, "Hey, what are you doing up?" Clint asks I hear his foot steps come closer. 

I puts his hand on my shoulder and I flinch at his touch. "Oh I thrashed in my sleep and cut myself with the IV, it woke me up." I say as I grab a napkin and try off my hand and arm. 

"It's pretty late every fell asleep on the couches upstairs. That's a really deep cut for an IV needle." Clint observed pulling my arm away from the napkin. 

"Oh yeah, I uh must have been struggling for a while before I woke up." I say pulling my arm back reaching for some bandages. 

"It's going to be okay." Clint says, "I know right now it seems like it can never get better but it will."

"What will?" I ask confused by what Clint was trying to get across.

"The grief the pain, it all can swallow you whole." Clint says sitting down.

"What grief?" I generally am confused at this moment.

"Percy, Nat is gone, vision is gone, Cap is gone, Tony's gone. There has to be grief in you somewhere."

"There upstairs! I saw them a moment ago there coming back!" I say angry, "They aren't gone! Nat is with Yelena somewhere out in the world, Visions hanging with Wanda. Steve is probably in the gym, and Tony's in his lab there all okay. They all HAVE to be okay! Jason's okay, Luke's okay, Zoe's okay, Micheal is okay, Zoe, Bob, Bianca, there all okay! They HAVE TO BE!"

"STOP DENYING it Percy! Stop it! You are hurting only yourself here! Natasha is DEAD! Get that through your seaweed full brains! Cause Percy reality check everyone you have TOUCHED is DEAD! I should have known, not to have you be included in the avengers when Fury thought to bring you here! Annabeth broke up with you in fear of you killing her! Your best friends all DIE! Vision, Natasha, Beckendorf, your parents, you are a walking grave!" Clint screamed walking away.

"You're right Clint! Go upstairs and tell Estelle I'm gone! I can't have her killed as well! I wasn't around for her in ages I don't even know her that well. Who am I connected to anymore! No one so I'll just walk myself out." I say walking away.

"Good, I'll tell Estelle and she will be super happy! If Steve had known what would happen by making you an Avenger he would have never given you that title."

"Good!" I say walking out. I run down the stairs refusing to let tears fall. With one mission in mind, the grave yard. The place where I'll be with my family.

After asking around I find the hero's grave yard where they have a special entrance for the hero's. I also see the media is fricking out about something and stop on my way to the grave yard to see these news articles showing spiderman all over them.

My best guess is the media found out about spiderman's real identity. I keep walking to the cemetery to spot Wanda there. 

"Your awake." She says reaching out to hug me, "Yeah, I heard and I still don't think my mind has processed there gone yet." I say as she pulls me into another hug.

"I found a coping method I would like you to see." Wanda informs me, "I'm going back to a little cottage in the mountains would you join me for a little bit to get away from everyone?"

"I have a week, then I should probably get back to camp." I say accepting her offer. 

I mist travel to her little cottage where she shows me the dark hold. Saying she fought a powerful witch for it and won. She didn't go into details which was suspicious but this was my best friend who never blamed me for the death's of others.

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