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After landing the jet, Fury had another jet ready to take us all back to avenger's tower. Tony was muttering about adding more rooms for Wanda and Vision. I was thinking about Bruce, we wouldn't be able to track the jet he was in and I have no idea where he would be off to. 

When the avengers reached the main floor, the first thing I noticed was the smell. I was put on high alert and from everyone else's faces they also were on high alert. 

I pull out a dagger and everyone else pulls out there weapons as well. I turn the corner to realize it's just Percy in the kitchen. Everything with Ultron I completely forgot about Percy.

"Oh, its just the random kid. I still haven't gotten your name or why your here." Tony speaks causing Percy to turn around.

"Natasha" He says running over to me reaching out to hug me, "I was so worried." He whispers.

"Wait why can the kid hug Natasha and every time I do I end up with a bruise." Tony complains.

"The better question is what are you cooking, Percy?" Clint says sniffing at the air and walking towards the kitchen. 

"Homemade pizza should be done by now, you can take it out of the oven. I was about to set the table." Percy says walking towards the cupboard.

"And how do you know where everything is?" Steve asks genuine curious. 

"I had an afternoon to kill." Percy jokes with his lopsided smile.

I go over and notice a few bruises on Percy's rolled up sleeves. He must of pulled them up while making the pizza. These bruises in fact were new which didn't make any sense he was here the entire time. 

"Percy, how did you get the new bruises?" Percy looks down and quickly brings his sleeves down on his arms.

"Umm so I might have gotten electrocuted by Thor." I turned around to look at Thor but he wasn't behind us.

"He went to Asgard to check in with his father." Steve mentions as he sits down at the table.

I sat down as well grabbing some pizza, "So why did Thor electrocute you Percy?" I ask as I notice he's about to walk out of the kitchen.  "Why you leaving, don't you want to eat something?"

"No thanks I've already eaten. That is also a story for another time." Percy looks down guiltily for a second. Why lie about eating? "You know Natasha I have to get back out there. She's out there somewhere and I got to find her."

"Percy you look exhausted why not just rest here for the night and I'll personally get you a plane ticket to where ever you need to go tomorrow. You can't help her if you don't help yourself." 

Tony whispered loudly over to Wanda and Vision, "Who's her?" I rolled my eyes as Wanda and Vision just shook there heads. 

"Okay one night that's it. Then I got to get back on the road." Percy smiled at me and I returned it.

"Pardon me but Percy right? If I may ask what happened to your burns they were really bad the last time I saw you." 

Percy looked down at his hands, where I assumed the burns Steve mentioned were once at.

"Burns?" I asked, "Can someone fill me in on what happened?" Wanda moved closer to me, "May I?" She asked gathering red energy I nodded. They already filled me in on who Vision was on the plane but I was never told Percy was in the middle of it.

Percy's voice took me out of the last trance Wanda put me in. "I don't know, it's strange." He was perfectly honest and watching that memory of Wanda I knew he was telling the truth.

"What were you doing while everyone was fighting?" I ask Percy.

"I don't know that either, I was in some kid of trance. It was like Vision or something was calling me to come closer." I then took notice how Percy was trying to casually lean against the door frame but I could tell he was actually just really tired. 

"How bout you head to one of the guess rooms. Friday can you light a path?"

"Of course." Friday replied.

Percy nodded and headed out of the room. We then enjoyed the rest of dinner with just some small talk mostly the team wanted to know more about Percy and how I met him and blah blah blah. We were cleaning up dinner when my phone rang. I looked at the caller id to see it was Fury.

"Sir." I answered with. "Natasha I know the team is probably tired but I thought you would want to see this. I'm sending a picture to Stark's email. It was captured by one of the people of Sokovia." With that Fury hung up.

I replied the message to the rest of the Avengers that were still up. While, Tony pulled up the image on the computer screen. It was a post by one of the Sokovian people. The caption read, "New Avenger! Saved me and my son from falling buildings. Couldn't see his face but he is a true hero!" The picture was blury but I could tell one thing even if the person in the photo's hoodie was up. 

"That's Percy's hoodie." I gasp. 



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