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We were in the middle of the Giant war when a big flash came from the sky. We all looked up to see Leo flying at Gaea, Percy screamed faintly and suddenly their was silence. I then felt Leo's soul leave his body into the underworld. Leo is dead, Percy looked over to me and we made eye contact. I then looked down, Percy already blamed himself for so many other deaths. No matter how many times any one tried to convince him, he was set on the idea of it always being his fault.

We finished off the left over monsters really quickly after that. I was helping count the dead and was devastated to find out 100 campers from Camp Half Blood and 127 campers died from Camp Jupiter. Leaving an estimated 150 campers left from Camp Half Blood. A little less then half the campers died. After reporting the number to Chiron, I headed off to my cabin to get some sleep.

Once awake I realized it was mid day, man I was tired. I then headed off to the infirmary to check on a certain son of Apollo. Looking around it took me a while to find Will but I did, I was kind of shocked to find the son of Apollo looking very rested. After a war I was expecting deep bags under his eyes or something but he looked wide a wake. 

"Do you need any help?" I asked trying to make myself feel useful.

"Surprisingly not, Percy really knows how to heal. I don't like to admit this often but he might be a faster healer then me. He helped a lot of people, and he stayed up all night helping after coming out of a war. I'm glad you guys were able to kick him out, he was probably exhausted." 

I looked around slightly confused until I realized, "Hey Will?" he hummed in response, "look up." I smiled as he looked up from his clipboard for the first time. "Oh, sorry Nico I thought you were one of my siblings." Will laughed and I blushed looking down. Man his laugh was adorable. Will went back to looking at his clipboard.

"Wait, before when you thought I was your sibling you said something about Percy. Is he okay, I haven't seen him since Leo's death I just want to make sure he's dealing with it okay. I also didn't know you Apollo kids let Percy take a whirl in helping heal others. I thought you didn't trust outside help from other cabins with helping directly with patients." 

Will sighed, "Yeah, Percy was okay when I saw him. He was stitching himself up from a wound." Will paused dropping the clipboard he was looking at on the table next to us.

"Actually he was acting a little strange. I first never knew Percy knew medical stuff, then while he was stitching himself up I was surprised at how well his technique was. Some of the younger Apollo kids don't even know how to stitch that well. The more I payed attention to it the more I realized his wrist was really blurry. When I spoke up to him about it he was like a deer in headlights. I mean granted I was very tired, he led me to a bed and I honestly don't remember closing my eyes."

I sat down, "Was everything blurry or was it just his wrist?" I was beginning to realized maybe I didn't know Percy as well as I thought I did. 

"Nope, just his wrists. Woke up this morning to most of the campers telling me their fine, Percy helped them last night. When I asked my siblings they all reported seeing him and the 7-9 shift remembered walking in the next morning and kicked him out. He stayed the entire night helping the campers." 

I shook my head, okay maybe I do know Percy. Percy always had to help. Even when no one wanted him to, "I mean sounds like a very Percy thing to do." 

Will frowned, "I just can't get his expression out of my head when I asked about his wrists. You should have been their to see it, almost like he was caught red handed for doing something bad." Will rubbed his face, "I just don't understand it didn't feel like exhaustion."

"What about this, the next time we see Percy we go up to him and ask to see his wrists. He's going to be really confused but its Percy, he wouldn't get mad."

Will smiled, "Deal! But we do it Calmly!"

I smiled, "Understood, when have I never been calm."

I then helped Will around the infirmary and eventually headed out to get some fresh air, that's when we spotted Percy.

------Time Skip to after convo with Percy, I don't feel like rewriting what happened and I don't think y'all want to reread what happened.-----------------------------------------------------------------------

Percy walked away after hearing that dinner was ready. Will stared at me for a while, "What?" I finally asked.

"Yeah right remember mister I'm always calm?!" Will raised his eyebrow.

"Okay, I messed up but I got information." I looked at the ocean wondering how to continue.

"You want to share with the group?" Will asked as he moved over in the sand to be closer to me.

"Percy's wrist was definitely blurry. The more I looked at it the more blurry it got, almost as if their was a layer of mist over it." 

Will and me looked at each other both with confusion, what was Percy hiding on his wrist. 

"I mean one wrist has his tattoo maybe the other also has a tattoo and he just doesn't want people to see it, like his mom? I also didn't know Percy had control over the mist, so maybe it was an extra favor with Hazel?" Will suggested.

"Percy wouldn't do that to his mom. I think this is deeper then what your thinking it is Will. I also didn't know he could control the mist, we can go talk to Hazel during dinner?" Will looked at me confused, then his eyes widen with shock. 

"We should definitely find Hazel." Will paused, "You don't think Percy's suicidal do you?" Will whispered to me. Not only was Will a healer he was also the camp therapist, so Will wasn't completely surprised to the idea of suicide.

"That's exactly what I think is on Percy's wrist." I said unwilling to meet the son of Apollo's eyes. "He's gone through a lot, Will" 

"Nico, this is Percy. Percy's so happy, he's never shown any symptoms or signs of depression or anxiety."

"Having difficulty concentrating, is a sign of anxiety. Think about it though, we all knew Leo had depression because he wasn't that good at hiding it but, Percy could have different coping mechanisms." I pointed out.

"Have difficulty concentrating is also a sign of ADHD which Percy does have." Will said factually.

"Okay, lets say your right but have you seen any other demigods with the same level of ADHD Percy has?"

Will smiled, "Yeah, you."

I sighed, "Yeah and once B died I was diagnosed with anxiety and depression. I know your in denial Will but it makes sense after everything Percy has been through. I just hope we can prove it without causing a big scene."

Will and I sat in the sand watching the ocean in silence for a long time after that. 

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